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History of National Press Day – ANTARA News

Jakarta (Antara) – National Press Day (HPN) is an annual warning held every February 9, to coincide with the anniversary of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI). This determination was based on Presidential Decree Number 5 of 1985 signed by President Soeharto on January 23, 1985.

In the decision, it was stated that the Indonesian National Press had a history of struggle and important role in national development as a form of practice of Pancasila.

HPN is held every year in turn in the Capital City of Indonesia in Indonesia by involving various parties, including the press, the community, and the local government as the host. The main foundation of this warning is to build a synergy between the press, the community, and the government for the progress of the nation.

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The beginning and development of the National Press Day

Before the Presidential Decree No. 5 of 1985, the idea of ​​HPN had emerged in the 28th PWI Congress which took place in Padang, West Sumatra, in 1978. .

On February 19, 1981, in the 21st session of the Press Council in Bandung, the idea was finally approved and submitted to the government. After going through various considerations, the government finally set February 9 as the National Press Day.

From time to time, the press in Indonesia continues to experience various dynamics and challenges, ranging from silencing by colonialism, the limited freedom of the press during the New Order era, to the challenges of press freedom in the reform era. HPN warnings become a momentum for press people to continue to improve themselves and maintain journalistic freedom and independence in order to educate the life of the nation.

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Controversy and discourse of changes in the National Press Day

Although it has been officially set, National Press Day had received criticism from various parties. On December 7, 2007, a group of young writers declared the Indonesian press day as a form of criticism of HPN which was considered as a legacy of the New Order.

This declaration was carried out at the Indonesian Building Building, to coincide with the funeral day of Tirto Adhi Soerjo, a national press figure known as a pioneer of journalism in Indonesia.

Some people also suggested that HPN be adjusted to the date of the issuance of the Medan Prijaji newspaper in January 1907, which was considered as the early milestone of the national press. Historian Asvi Warman Adam proposed a compromise by making January the National Press Month, with a permanent warning peak on February 9.

On February 16, 2017, the idea also emerged to establish Indonesian Journalists’ Day on December 7 as an alternative for journalists who felt that the National Press Day was still related to past heritage. This proposal was delivered in a seminar held by the Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) and the Indonesian Television Journalist Association (IJTI).

National Press Day has an important meaning in the history of the Indonesian people. As a pillar of democracy, the press has a crucial role in conveying information and forming public opinion. Although he had reaped controversy, HPN warnings were still a place of reflection for press people to continue to fight for freedom and professionalism in carrying out their journalistic duties.

Also read: Prabowo’s presence on HPN 2025 Strong signal supports the progress of the press world

Also read: PJ. Riau Governor Fully Supports HPN 2025 in Riau

Reporter: Raihan Fadilah
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © between 2025

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