List of names of regional heads in West Java who failed to be inaugurated 6 February 2025
JAKARTA (Antara) – The Indonesian Parliament, the Government, and Election Organizers have reached an agreement that all regional heads were elected in the 2024 elections who did not face the disputes over the results in the Constitutional Court (MK) will be inaugurated simultaneously by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on February 6, 2025.
This agreement has received approval from the House of Representatives Commission II together with the government and election organizers. The inauguration that took place in Jakarta included the Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Regent, as well as the Mayor and Deputy Mayor from all over Indonesia.
However, in West Java Province, from a total of 27 regencies/cities that held the elections, there were 11 elected regional heads who could not be inaugurated because they were still involved in the dispute over the election results at the Constitutional Court.
As a result, their victory celebration must be postponed until there is a decision of permanent legal force. Of the 11 cases of dispute, nine of them are related to the election of the Regent and Deputy Regent, while the other two concerns the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
Based on data released by the Constitutional Court (MK), there were nine disputes of the results of the election of regents and deputy regents in the 2024 elections. The dispute involved Pangandaran, Subang, Bandung, Tasikmalaya, Bogor, Cirebon, West Bandung, Cianjur, and Sukabumi Regencies.
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Meanwhile, two other disputes are related to the results of the election of the mayor and deputy mayor, namely in the city of Depok and Bekasi City. All of these cases are still in the trial process at the Constitutional Court before there is a final decision related to the results of the elections in their respective regions.
Then, who are the elected regional heads in West Java who cannot be inaugurated on February 6, 2025? The following is a list of their names and the area they lead.
List of Regional Heads in West Java whose inauguration was delayed on February 6, 2025
The following is a list of 11 elected regional heads in West Java who cannot be inaugurated on February 6, 2025 because they are still facing disputes over the results of the elections in the Constitutional Court (MK):
1. Asep Japar – Andreas (Regent and Deputy Regent of Sukabumi) – Case No. 235/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 with applicants Iyos Somantri and Zainul S.
2. Dadang Supriatna – Ali Syakieb (Regent and Deputy Regent of Bandung) – Case No. 85/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 Submitted by Sahrul Gunawan and Gun Gun Gunawan.
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3. Tri Adhianto – Abdul Harris Bobihoe (Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bekasi) – Case No. 222/PHPU.Wako-XXIII/2025 with applicants Heri Koswara and Sholihin.
4. Mohammad Wahyu Ferdian – Ramzi (Regent and Deputy Regent of Cianjur) – Case No. 200/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 proposed by Herman Suherman and RA Muhammad Solih Ibang.
5. Reynaldi Putra – Agus Masykur Rosyadi (Regent and Deputy Regent of Subang) – Case No. 62/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 with Petitioners H. Ruhimat and H. Aceng Kudus.
6. Supian Suri – Chandra Rahmansyah (Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Depok) – Case No. 113/PHPU.Wako-XXIII/2025 Submitted by Imam Budi Hartono and Ririn Farabi A. Rafiq.
7. IMRON – Agus Kurniawan Budiman (Regent and Deputy Regent of Cirebon) – Case No. 187/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 with Petitioner Mohamad Lutfi and Dia Ramayana.
8. Ade Sugianto – IIP Miptahul Paoz (Regent and Deputy Regent of Tasikmalaya) – Case No. 132/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 proposed by Cecep Nurul Yakin and Asep Sopari Al-Ayubi.
9. Rudy Susmanto – Ade Ruhandi (Regent and Deputy Regent of Bogor) – Case No. 179/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 with Petitioners R. Bayu Syahjohan and Musyafaur Rahman.
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10. Jeje Ritchie Ismail – Asep Ismail (Regent and Deputy Regent of West Bandung) – Case No. 192/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 proposed by Hengki Kurniawan and Ade Sudradjat Usman.
11. Citra Pitriami – Ino Darsono (Regent and Deputy Regent of Pangandaran) – Case No. 10/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 with Petitioners Ujang Endin Indrawan and Dadang Solihat.
The regional heads must wait for the final decision of the Constitutional Court before they can undergo an official inauguration process. The decision of the Constitutional Court for these cases will be a determinant of whether the results of the elections in these areas remain valid or re-voting must be carried out.
If the Constitutional Court rejects the lawsuit, then each elected regional head can be immediately inaugurated after the decision has a permanent legal force.
However, if the Constitutional Court decided there was a significant violation and ordered a re -voting, the inauguration process would be delayed until the re -election was completed and the results were set.
Meanwhile, for regions that do not face disputes, the inauguration of the elected regional head will continue according to schedule on February 6, 2025 in Jakarta. This procession will be led directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia and become part of an effort to ensure the continuity of government at the regional level.
Also read: Observer: Inauguration simultaneously accelerates policy synchronization
Also read: North Sumatra KPU said the inauguration of the elected regional head of the central authority
Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Suryanto
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