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Get to know the ANTARA News Agency – ANTARA News

Jakarta (ANTARA) – ANTARA is the name of a news agency in Indonesia which was founded on December 13 1939. Its founders were four national press figures, namely Albert Manoempak Sipahoetar, Raden Mas Soemanang Soerjowinoto, Adam Malik and Pandoe Kartawigoena.

ANTARA has been expected from the start to carry out a strategic mission, to become an intermediary for the aspirations of the people and the interests of the press in Indonesia.

Throughout its history, ANTARA has gone through the ups and downs of the Republic of Indonesia. Under Japanese colonialism, the news agency changed its name to Yoshima, before being merged with the Japanese imperial news agency, Domei, between 1942 and 1945.

However, the nationalistic spirit of the founders of ANTARA never died out in maintaining the nation’s identity, until the news of the proclamation of Indonesian independence was successfully broadcast to various directions from the building on Jalan Antara Number 57 to 61, Jakarta.

After Indonesian independence, ANTARA continued to develop and play an active role in nation building. Even though they had to move from place to place due to Dutch military aggression, ANTARA remained consistent in carrying out its duties as an information disseminator.

Until now, ANTARA continues to innovate to meet society’s increasingly dynamic information needs. Through its various platforms, ANTARA provides the latest, accurate and reliable news from various corners of the world.

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ANTARA products

Since its inception, ANTARA has collaborated with foreign news agencies and press organizations abroad to expand the coverage of various events throughout the world.

ANTARA also publishes bulletins in Indonesian and English. Nine types of Indonesian language bulletins have been published by ANTARA, namely: 1. News reports 2. Economy and finance 3. Sports 4. Market information 5. Spectrum 6. Financial information 7. Press reports 8. Recordings of events 9. Legal information invitation

Seven types of English language bulletins have been published by ANTARA, namely: 1. News Bulletin 2. Financial and Economic 3. Daily Market Quotation 4. Rubber News 5. Weekly Review 6. Copper Quotation 7. Exchange Bulletin

In mid-1973, ANTARA implemented a teletext service system for comprehensive information distribution, reaching all branch bureaus in Indonesia. One of ANTARA’s branch bureaus is located at Jalan Braga Number 25 Bandung, West Java. Apart from that, the ANTARA bureau also covers Aceh to Papua.

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In Jakarta, ANTARA also provides international economic and financial news services to the banking world. The service is named Reuter ANTARA Economic Service (RES).

Apart from text news, ANTARA also provides services by sending photo news, both domestically and abroad, as well as providing data services relating to financial information and international trade, namely: 1. ANTARA-Reuters Monitor, and 2. ANTARA-Telerate.

In the 1990s, ANTARA news agency services also expanded to satellite/VSAT systems, and starting in 2001, Antara opened access to its news to the public via the internet. Until now, the protocol address for the ANTARA news portal is www.antaranews.com.

The government, under the leadership of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, designated the Antara National News Agency as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) with Public Company (Perum) status on July 18 2007 through Government Regulation Number 40 of 2007. This was done to maximize the utilization of business opportunities , facing the challenges of media convergence, and carrying out the mandate to educate the nation.

Also read: Tunisian Ambassador visits ANTARA to explore cooperation between news agencies

Also read: ANTARA-Montsame opens opportunities for news collaboration

Reporter: Abdu Faisal
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2025

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