CATA PK TNI AL 2025 vacancies are open, here are the conditions and how to register
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Becoming part of the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) is the dream of many young people who want to serve the nation and state.
Now, this opportunity is wide open through the Registration of Candidates for Career Soldiers (Cata PK) for the TNI AL Wave I in 2025, starting today, December 26 2024.
According to a statement from the Commander of Lanal Palu, Marine Colonel (P) Marthinus Sir, on Tuesday (24/12/2024), the registration process for Candidates for PK Tamtama TNI AL Batch I in 2025 will last until 31 January 2025. Meanwhile, offline file validation is scheduled from January 6 to 31, 2025.
The registration process is officially open, providing a golden opportunity for Indonesia’s young generation to pursue a career in the military world while contributing to maintaining the maritime sovereignty of the archipelago.
In opening this recruitment, the Indonesian Navy set a number of requirements that must be met by prospective applicants. In addition, there are special steps in the registration process that must be followed carefully.
The following is further information regarding the requirements and procedures for registration of 2025 TNI AL PK Enlisted Candidates.
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General requirements for the list of prospective TNI AL Career Private Soldiers
- Indonesian citizens who believe and are devoted to God Almighty.
- Has no criminal record, proven by an official certificate from the Republic of Indonesia Police (local police).
- Male with a minimum education of high school or equivalent.
- Have never been married and are willing not to marry during the military education period until two years after completing education.
- Have a minimum height of 163 cm with a proportional body weight.
- Aged between 17 years 9 months to a maximum of 22 years at the time of first opening of education.
- Ready to undergo the First Service Bond (IDP) for 10 years since being appointed as a Second Class or Second Class Soldier.
- Not members of the TNI, Polri, or Civil Servants (PNS).
- Physically and spiritually healthy, has no tattoos or traces of tattoos, no piercings (except for customary reasons), not color blind, and does not wear glasses or contact lenses.
- Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Have a BPJS card or other equivalent health insurance.
- Domiciled according to KTP for a minimum of 12 months in the regional committee area or nearest registration location, proven administratively and factually from the date of registration opening on line.
Additional requirements
- If applicable, please include a certificate or plaque of achievement.
- Regional level selection is carried out at the registration location, while central level selection is carried out at the Malang Lapetal Office.
- Participants who pass the regional level selection will be sent to Lapetal Malang to take part in the central level selection, with costs borne by the state.
- Participants who do not pass the central level selection will return to the area of origin of registration at state expense.
- Participants are only allowed to register at one registration location.
- Must have a BPJS card or other health insurance card with active status.
How to register
1. Register on line
• Register online on line via the site
• Select the ‘Enlisted’ registration category.
• Register first.
• After that, login use the registered email address and password.
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2. Re-register or validate
Re-register directly at the designated registration location, by showing a copy of the registration form and original documents, including:
• Birth certificate
• Candidate’s ID card
• Parent/guardian ID card
• Family Card (KK)
• Certificate
• SKHUN SD, SMP and SMA.MA.SMK, each of which is photocopied on one sheet
• 2 recent black and white photographs measuring 4 x 6 cm
• 1 recent black and white photograph measuring 3 x 4 cm
• Two red stop maps
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Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Suryanto
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