Get to know the duties and functions of the National Defense Council (DPN)
Jakarta (ANTARA) – The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, has issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 202 of 2024 which regulates the formation of the National Defense Council (DPN). This presidential regulation includes nine chapters detailing various aspects, ranging from functions to DPN working procedures.
On Monday, December 16 2024, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin was appointed as Daily Chair of the National Defense Council (DPN), while the Deputy Minister of Defense, Donny Ermawan Taufanto served as Secretary of the DPN.
The procession of taking the oath/pledge and inauguration was led directly by President Prabowo Subianto at the State Palace, Jakarta. This inauguration is an important step in strengthening the structure of the DPN which has a strategic role in formulating national defense policy.
The National Defense Council (DPN) is an institution formed to provide considerations and formulate policy solutions in the field of national defense. This institution plays an important role in establishing policies related to state sovereignty, territorial integrity and national safety.
The DPN structure consists of a chairman appointed by the President, as well as a number of permanent and non-permanent members. The permanent members of the DPN consist of a number of high-ranking officials, such as the Vice President, Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Home Affairs, and Commander of the TNI. Apart from that, it also includes the Minister of State Secretary, Minister of Finance, Head of the State Intelligence Agency and Chief of Staff of the Forces in the ranks of DPN members.
The duties and functions of the National Defense Council (DPN) are clearly regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 202 of 2024 in Article 2 and Article 3. The following are the duties and functions of the DPN as stated in the regulation:
The DPN has the task of carrying out considerations and formulating policy solutions in the context of establishing strategic policies in the field of national defense, including the following aspects:
- State sovereignty
- Regional integrity
- Nation’s safety
DPN performs the following functions:
1. Preparation of an integrated national defense policy as a guideline for ministries/institutions and the public in carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities to support the implementation of national defense.
2. Preparation of an integrated policy for the deployment of national defense components in the context of mobilization and demobilization.
3. Risk assessment of national defense policy.
4. Formulation of policy solutions related to geostrategy, geopolitics and geoeconomics as well as alignment of strategic policies and priority programs in the field of national defense.
5. Implementation of DPN administration.
6. Implementation of other functions assigned by the President.
Also read: Prabowo issues Presidential Decree 202/2024 concerning the formation of the DPN
Also read: The Ministry of Defense ensures that DPN and Watannas do not overlap
Also read: President Prabowo appointed Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin as Daily Chair of the DPN
Reporter: Allisa Luthfia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
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