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List of new KASAU Special Staff after TNI pati transfers in December 2024

Jakarta (ANTARA) – In December 2024, TNI Commander General TNI Agus Subiyanto transferred positions to support the optimization of organizational tasks and functions within the TNI, including within the TNI Air Force.

One of the important points in this mutation is the appointment of a new special staff for the Chief of Air Staff (KASAU). This decision is contained in the official TNI decision letter with number KEP/1545/XII/2024.

Explanation of mutations and the significance of changes

The transfer of positions within the TNI aims to refresh the organizational structure and adapt the TNI’s operational needs to the dynamics of national and global security challenges. KASAU’s special staff plays a strategic role in providing input to KASAU regarding operational policies and management of Indonesian air power.

Also read: KSAU monitors the first trip of the C-130J Super Hercules to Merauke

List of new names and positions
The following is a list of the new KASAU special staff, as stated in the official decision:

1. Marshal TNI Danet Hendriyanto, S. Sos
Old position: Head of Puslaiklambambangjaau

2. Marsma TNI Budi Eko Pratomo, SE, M.Sc.
Previous position: Assistant Deputy for Telecommunications and Information Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs

3. Marshal TNI Albertus Irianto
Former position: Bandep Ur. National Strategy of the National Secretariat General​​​​​​​​

4. Marsma TNI I Ketut S. Wahyu Wijaya, MA​​​​​​​​.
Previous position:​​​​​​​​​​​​ Dir B Bais TNI​​​​​​​

5. Marsma TNI Danang Sulistiyanto ​​​​​​​
Old position​​​​​​​: Pa Sahli Tk. II Intekmil Sahli Bid. TNI Military and Cyber ​​Intelligence Commander​​​​​​​.

Also read: Marsdya Tonny Harjono admitted that he had not received the presidential decree on him as KSAU

6. Marsma TNI Taufan Handriawan, SH, MH​​​​​​​
Old position​​​​​​​: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

7. Marshal TNI Benny Arfan, M.MP., MMDS. ​​​​​​​
Old position​​​​​​​:​​​​​​​ Pangkoopsud III ​​​​​​​

8. Marshal TNI Jatmiko Adi ​​​​​​​
Former position​​​​​​​:​​​​​​​​​​​​ Athan RI in Moscow, Russia​​​​​​​

9. Marshal TNI Anang Surdwiyono​​​​​​​
Former position​​​​​​​​​​​​: Athan RI in Paris, France​​​s​​​

10. Marsma TNI Edwardus Wisoko Aribowo, SE, M.Si.​​​​​​​
Former position​​​​​​​​​​​​​: ​​​​​​​Athan RI in Washington DC, USA
With the formation of new special staff, KASAU is expected to be able to face increasingly complex air security challenges, including securing border areas, eradicating airborne crime, and strengthening diplomacy.

This new special staff is also expected to be able to implement the KSAU’s vision and mission in advancing the Indonesian Air Force as a leading force in the Asia-Pacific region.

The transfer in December 2024 marks a strategic step for the TNI in maintaining adaptive and progressive organizational dynamics.

The appointment of the new KASAU special staff reflects the TNI’s commitment to continuing to increase its professionalism and capabilities in facing Indonesia’s air defense challenges.

Also read: The TNI Commander asked the KSAU to make a breakthrough to strengthen defense equipment

Also read: TNI AU invites media crew to take part in “Kasau Award”

Reporter: Raihan Fadilah
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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