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Supian Suri’s profile, from staff level civil servant to winning the Depok Regional Election

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Candidate for Mayor of Depok 2025-2030 Supian Suri (49) started his political career in government from being a civil servant to the staff of the Bekasi City Regional Secretary in 1999, moving to become an aide to the Deputy Mayor of Depok Yus Ruswandi in 2000, until his peak as Secretary Depok City area in 2022.

Following the track record of his father, Haji Muhammad Ali, who was a former Village Head in Depok City, Supian also became Head of Jatimulya Village, Cilodong District, Depok City and Head of Tugu Village, Cimanggis District in 2006.

When high ranking Depok City official Harry Prihanto was dragged into the alleged corruption case of the Nangka Sukamaju Baru Road widening project, Depok, West Java in 2017, Supian Suri as Head of the Depok City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency also spoke out regarding Harry’s removal from the position of Depok City Regional Secretary by Mayor Mohammad Idris to be transferred to a non-structural position.

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Before finally being appointed to fill the new position of Depok City Regional Secretary, Supian had to undergo an official tour starting from acting as the acting Head of the Public Works and Public Housing Service (PUPR) in 2019, to acting Head of the One Stop Integrated Services and Investment Service (DPMPTSP) in 2020 , to acting Head of the Health Service in 2021.

He has also carried out government at the sub-district level as acting Head of the Cimanggis Subdistrict in 2020 to the government at the city level as Head of the Government Section of the Depok City Regional Secretariat in 2014.

Supian’s career path as a bureaucrat, starting from the lower level or staff until reaching the highest career peak as a civil servant in Depok City, is supported by the principle as the son of the village head that leaders are servants of the people.

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Supian Suri was born on February 27 1975 to Muhammad Ali and Lani Nihayati. He has a wife named Siti Barkah Hasanah, S.Ag., M.Ag and two children, namely Nurul Khaliza (18 years) and Nurul Kamila (15 years).

Supian Suri with his wife and children exercised their right to vote in the 2024 regional elections at TPS 08, Jatimulya, Cilodong, Depok. Supian is supported by 12 political parties, including the National Democratic Party (NasDem), National Mandate Party (PAN), National Awakening Party (PKS), Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), United Development Party (PPP), Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI ) Struggle, Democratic Party, Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo), Labor Party, Indonesian People’s Wave Party (Gelora), Ummat Party, and Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).

He and Chandra Rahmansyah managed to collect 451,785 votes, ahead of the pair of regional head candidates supported by the coalition of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the Golkar Party in Depok, Imam Budi Hartono and Ririn A Rafiq, who only collected 396,863 votes.

Supian and Chandra’s superiority was visible in seven of the 11 sub-districts that held voting to elect regional heads in Depok City. Meanwhile, his opponent managed to excel in only four sub-districts.

Also read: Depok residents are enthusiastic about casting their vote at the polling stations

Also read: With the Depok Regional Election votes, PKS’s dominance collapses?

Reporter: Abdu Faisal
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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