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Update on the real count results of the 2024 Banten Regional Election Commission

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Indonesian people, especially Banten Province, now have the convenience of monitoring the real count results of the 2024 regional elections directly. This counting process includes the election of governors and deputy governors, mayors and deputy mayors, as well as regents and deputy regents which are carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia.

Access to real count monitoring is provided by the General Election Commission (KPU) through its official website. On this page, the KPU presents valid and accurate data based on the Model C Form document from each Polling Place (TPS). This allows the public to see the progress of the vote counting results transparently and in real-time.

It can be noted that the real count is different from the quick count, the real count provided by the KPU is different from the quick count method which is often used by survey institutions. If the quick count is only based on vote samples from a number of polling stations to provide a temporary picture of the election results, the real count collects all valid vote data from the polling stations as a whole.

This process ensures that the data displayed is more complete and accurate, in accordance with the official documents resulting from the vote recapitulation in the field. The public can use this information to monitor the course of the democratic process directly, without relying on predictions or temporary results.

The real vote count results can be accessed online and will continue to be updated regularly until Monday, December 16 2024. This monitoring process aims to ensure full transparency to the public, while strengthening public trust in the course of the election.

Results of the plenary meeting recapitulation of candidate pairs for governor and deputy governor of Banten Province

In the plenary meeting to recapitulate the vote counting results at the Banten Province level, gubernatorial candidate pair number 02, Andra Soni and Dimyati Natakusumah, received the most votes. They managed to get a total of 3,102,501 votes, which is equivalent to 55.8 percent of all voters who cast their votes. This figure shows their dominance in the election, reflecting significant support from the people of the province.

On the other hand, another gubernatorial candidate pair number 01, Airin and Ade, obtained lower results with a total of 2,449,183 votes, or around 44.12 percent of the votes cast. Even though they received a fairly large number of votes, they failed to beat the pair Andra Soni and Dimyati Natakusumah in the vote count at the provincial level.

The recapitulation results contained in the minutes and official certificates show that the participation level of the Banten community in the elections only reached 66 percent of the total permanent voter list (DPT). Of the total number of registered DPTs for Banten Province of 8,926,662 people, only 5,908,176 voters attended and cast their votes.

Of the total votes received, 5,551,684 votes were declared valid, while 356,492 votes were deemed invalid. If accumulated, the total votes received reached 5,908,176 votes, reflecting a participation level that was still far from the maximum expected number.

Thus, the following is information regarding the link to access the real count or vote counting results and recapitulation of the 2024 Regional Election in Banten. This data can be seen via the following official page.

How to check real results updates count official KPU

1. Access the official General Election Commission page at https://pilkada2024.kpu.go.id/.

2. Select the type of election you want to see, whether the election for governor or mayor/regent.

3. Determine the province or city/district where you want to check the results.

Also read: Checking the facts, the KPU released an infographic on the Jakarta Pilkada vote count

Also read: 2024 regional elections and democratic maturity

Also read: The DKI KPU emphasized that it will not issue quick count results

Reporter: M. Hilal Eka Saputra Harahap
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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