Update on the real count of the 2024 North Sumatra Regional Election Commission, Bobby-Surya is temporarily ahead
Jakarta (ANTARA) – The plenary meeting to recapitulate the results of the North Sumatra Province (North Sumatra) regional elections for the election of Governor (Cagub) and Deputy Governor (Cawagub) in 2024 is currently underway. The vote recapitulation process which began on December 8 2024, is expected to be completed today, December 9 2024, at the Emerald Garden Hotel Medan, North Sumatra.
In the 2024 North Sumatra Regional Election, there are two pairs of candidates competing for the positions of Governor and Deputy Governor for the next period.
Meanwhile, candidate pair number 1, Bobby Nasution-Surya, is competing with candidate pair number 2, Edy Rahmayadi-Hasan Basri Sagala.
Until this news was published, a number of witnesses from both candidate pairs and supporting political parties were still attending the recapitulation plenary meeting which was taking place openly.
The vote counting process is carried out carefully to ensure accuracy and transparency of results in all districts/cities in North Sumatra.
Based on the preliminary results of the North Sumatra Governor Election in Simalungun Regency, the Bobby-Surya candidate pair received 278,434 votes, while the Edy-Hasan pair received 148,869 votes. The total valid votes in this area were recorded at 427,303, with 22,032 invalid votes. These results show the dominance of the Bobby-Surya pair in Simalungun.
Meanwhile, in Toba Regency, the Bobby-Surya pair also won by getting 88,102 votes, while Edy-Hasan got 19,461 votes.
The number of valid votes in Toba Regency reached 107,563, with 4,422 invalid votes. However, the entire vote recapitulation process is still ongoing and the final results will be announced after the recapitulation is complete.
Based on temporary data, the Bobby-Surya pair is temporarily ahead of Edy-Hasan. Vote counting is still ongoing, and the latest information regarding the real count and recapitulation of the 2024 North Sumatra Pilkada can be accessed via the KPU’s official website at https://pilkada2024.kpu.go.id/.
How to check updates on real count results
1. Access the official General Election Commission page at https://pilkada2024.kpu.go.id/.
2. Select the type of election you want to see, whether the election for governor or mayor/regent.
3. Determine the province or city/district where you want to check the results.
Vote counting is carried out openly and closely monitored by various parties. The public is advised to remain calm and wait for the official announcement after all stages have been completed. The final results of the 2024 North Sumatra Regional Election will be announced after the recapitulation and verification process is complete.
Also read: Update on the real count results of the 2024 Banten Regional Election Commission
Also read: Check the official 2024 Pilkada Real Count updates on the Indonesian KPU website
Reporter: M. Hilal Eka Saputra Harahap
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
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