The figure of Ustaz Adi Hidayat, who is said to be Gus Miftah’s replacement
Jakarta (ANTARA) – After the polemic that befell Gus Miftah as the former President’s Special Envoy for Religious Affairs who resigned, the name of Ustaz Adi Hidayat emerged and was named as a replacement for the position he left behind.
He is considered an Islamic religious figure who has a relevant approach to current developments, as well as in-depth knowledge as a preacher who is widely known by the public.
Ustaz Adi Hidayat himself is a cleric who was born in Pandeglang, Banten, on September 11 1984, he is widely known through his preaching, both directly and via digital platforms.
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He currently serves as Deputy Chair I of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Tabligh Council for the period 2022–2027. The figure who is familiarly called UAH also founded the Quantum Akhyar Institute in 2013, an institution that focuses on Islamic studies and the development of da’wah.
Apart from that, the Adi Hidayat Official YouTube channel, which was founded three years later, has now become the main media for reaching the wider community as a channel for broadcasting his preaching.
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Early life and education
Ustaz Adi Hidayat is the son of Warso Supena and Hj. Rafiah Akhyar. He received his primary education in Pandeglang and has shown extraordinary achievements since childhood, both in formal schools and madrasas.
His childhood full of achievements shaped him into an exemplary student with a love of religious knowledge.
In 1997, he continued his secondary education at the Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School, Garut. It was there that he honed his religious and general knowledge in a balanced manner, under the guidance of his main teacher, Buya KH Miskun as-Syatibi.
While at the Islamic boarding school, UAH often represented his school in various provincial level Al-Qur’an syrah competitions.
His formal education continued at the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyyah, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, until he received a special invitation to continue his studies at Kulliyyah Dakwah Islamiyyah, Tripoli, Libya, in 2005.
There, he studied various Islamic disciplines intensively, including the Koran, hadith, fiqh, ul al-fiqh, tarikh, and Arabic, as well as doing talaqqi directly with international clerics.
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Career and preaching
After completing his studies in Libya, UAH returned to Indonesia in 2011 and began managing the Al-Qur’an Al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School in Lebak Bulus.
In 2013, he founded the Quantum Akhyar Institute which is now known for programs such as the UAH Open School, At-Taisir Learning Center, and the 30 Days Memorizing the Al-Qur’an program.
In 2016, UAH founded Akhyar TV as the main preaching media. This channel, together with YouTube Adi Hidayat Official, has become one of his digital preaching facilities which has succeeded in reaching millions of worshipers in various corners of the country and parts of the world.
Academic awards and recognition
UAH has received numerous academic awards, including two honoris causa doctorate degrees:
- Field of community service and international Islamic da’wah from Passion International University of America (2019).
- Field of Islamic education management from Muhammadiyah University Jakarta (2023).
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As a writer, UAH has produced more than 12 works in Arabic and Indonesian, incl Quantum Arabic Akhyar Method (2011), Ma’rifatul Insan (2012)And Today’s Muslims: Memorize the Koran in 30 Days (2018).
UAH is also often the center of attention due to several of his claims, such as the statement that the national hero Kapitan Pattimura was a Muslim named Ahmad Lussy.
UAH’s statement triggered responses from various parties, including the family of Thomas Matulessy’s descendants.
He has also connected the letter Asy-Syu’ara’ in the Koran with the prohibition on music, which has received mixed responses from other scholars.
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Personal life
UAH is married to Shufairok, originally from Lasem, Rembang, and has five children, namely Muhammad Hamil Quran, Amelia Habibatul Musthofa, Muhammad Abdullah Amali, Rabi’ati Khairatun Hisan, and Amira Rafi’ati Muslimah.
Latest contribution
In 2021, he launched the Mira Virtual Islamic Boarding School and led fundraising of IDR 30 billion for Palestine.
On June 2 2024, he is also trusted to be the main speaker at the Islamic Turats Festival in Malaysia representing the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP). This certainly strengthens his position as an active scholar in international forums.
His preaching style is easy to understand, UAH has become one of the most influential ulama in Indonesia. His large congregation, both in person and via digital platforms, is proof of his dedication in conveying the message of Islam to the wider community.
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Reporter: Raihan Fadilah
Editor: Suryanto
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