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History of the TNI and its ranks from highest to lowest

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Indonesian National Army or abbreviated as TNI is an armed forces institution that acts as a means of defense for the Indonesian state.

Currently, the TNI is divided into 3 dimensions or forces, consisting of the Army National Army (TNI-AD), the National Army Air Force (TNI-AU), and the National Army Navy (TNI-AL).

The TNI is tasked with implementing national defense policies to uphold state sovereignty, defend territorial integrity, and protect the safety of the nation,
carrying out military operations for war and military operations other than war, as well as actively participating in regional and international peacekeeping tasks.

In carrying out its duties, the TNI upholds state sovereignty, defends the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

The history of the formation of the TNI cannot be separated from the struggle of the Indonesian people to maintain independence. The formation of the TNI stems from organizational developments that began with the People’s Security Agency (BKR) on August 22 1945. The BKR as a local security agency is tasked with maintaining order in each region.

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After the proclamation of independence on 17 August 1945, the Indonesian people again faced the threat of the Dutch who had the ambition to colonize through armed violence.

With the increasing threat from Allied forces, the need for an organized national army became more urgent. Previously, the BKR did not fully function as a national army.

According to the TNI Headquarters PUSPEN page, on October 5 1945, the Indonesian government decided to change it to the People’s Security Army (TKR). Then on January 23 1946, in order to improve its structure in accordance with international military principles, it was changed to the Indonesian Republic Army (TRI).

The government continues to strive to perfect the national army, while fighting and struggling to uphold the nation’s sovereignty and independence.

Until June 3 1947, President Soekarno authorized the establishment of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) to unite Indonesia at that time which had two armed forces, namely the TRI as the regular army and the people’s struggle bodies.

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In 1962, there was a unification of the military organizations and police institutions to become the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (ABRI).

It is hoped that the unification of the armed forces under one command will achieve effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out their roles, and will not be easily influenced by the interests of certain political groups.

Until the reform period, the political situation in Indonesia began to change, which also affected ABRI. On April 1 1999, the TNI and Polri were officially separated again into their own institutions.

The term ABRI as a soldier was returned to TNI. Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army was formed which contains the Roles, Functions, Duties and Position of the TNI.

The TNI is divided into 3 forces/forces, namely the Army National Army (TNI-AD), the National Army Air Force (TNI-AU), and the National Army Navy (TNI-AL).

The TNI, as a means of national defense, functions as a deterrent against all forms of military threats and armed threats from abroad and within the country to sovereignty, territorial integrity and the safety of the nation.

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TNI ranks from highest to lowest

The TNI carries out its duties jointly or jointly under the leadership of the Commander in Chief, who is a high-ranking military officer who leads the TNI.

Based on Article 26 of Law Number 34 of 2004, every TNI soldier is grouped into the ranks of officer, non-commissioned officer and enlisted officer. Officers are appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Commander in Chief. Meanwhile, non-commissioned officers and enlisted officers are appointed by the Commander in Chief.

Each unit has a rank hierarchy that reflects the responsibilities and authority of soldiers in carrying out their duties. This rank is based on the qualifications possessed by each soldier.

The ranks of TNI soldiers are regulated based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 39 of 2010 concerning Administration of Indonesian National Army Soldiers. The lowest ranks in the TNI start from enlisted to the highest rank in each rank, namely General, Marshal and Admiral. The following are TNI ranks:

Army Soldier Rank
a. The ranks of TNI AD officers consist of:

  • TNI General
  • Lieutenant General (Lt. Gen.) TNI
  • Major General (Majjen) TNI
  • Brigadier General (Brigjen) TNI
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant Colonel (Lettkol)
  • Major
  • Captain
  • First Lieutenant (Lettu)
  • Second Lieutenant (Lieutenant).

Also read: List of TNI commanders from time to time

b. The rank of Non-Commissioned Officer of the Indonesian Army consists of:

  • Assistant First Lieutenant (Peltu)
  • Assistant Second Lieutenant (Pelda)
  • Sergeant Major (Serma)
  • Chief Sergeant (Serka)
  • First Sergeant (Sertu)
  • Second Sergeant (Serda)

c. The Indonesian Army’s enlisted ranks consist of:

  • Head Corporal (Kopka)
  • First Corporal (Koptu)
  • Corporal Two (Kopda)
  • Chief Soldier (Praka)
  • First Soldier (Private)
  • Soldier Two (Prada)

Rank of Indonesian Navy Soldier
a. The ranks of Indonesian Navy officers consist of:

  • TNI Admiral
  • Vice Admiral (Laksdya) TNI
  • Rear Admiral (Laksda) TNI
  • First Admiral (Laksma) TNI

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  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • First lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant

b. The rank of NCO in the Indonesian Navy consists of:

  • Assistant First Lieutenant
  • Assistant Second Lieutenant
  • Sergeant major
  • Chief Sgt
  • First sergeant
  • Second Sgt

c. The Indonesian Navy’s enlisted ranks consist of:

  • Chief Corporal
  • First Corporal
  • Corporal Two
  • Chief Sailor
  • First Class
  • Second Class.

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Indonesian Air Force Soldier Rank
a. The ranks of Indonesian Air Force officers consist of:

  • TNI Marshal
  • TNI Vice Marshal (Marsdya).
  • TNI Junior Marshal (Marsda).
  • First Marshal (Marsma) TNI
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • First lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant

b. The rank of NCO in the Indonesian Air Force consists of:

  • Assistant First Lieutenant
  • Assistant Second Lieutenant
  • Sergeant major
  • Chief Sgt
  • First sergeant
  • Second Sgt

c. The Indonesian Air Force enlisted ranks consist of:

  • Chief Corporal
  • First Corporal
  • Corporal Two
  • Chief Soldier
  • Soldier One
  • Soldier Two.

Also read: TNI Task Force in Papua distributes free clothes and teaches during patrols

Also read: The history of the separation of the National Police and ABRI: The beginning of the reform of the Indonesian Police

Reporter: Sri Dewi Larasati
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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