Assets of Agustina Wilujeng Candidate for Mayor of Semarang according to LHKPN
Jakarta (ANTARA) – LHKPN is an asset report that must be submitted to the Corruption Eradication Commission for all politicians who are membersnominate yourself has even been elected to serve in the government.
One of them is Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti, member of the DPR RI Deputy Chair of Commission
The woman born in Semarang is a figure who is widely known by the people of Semarang, including her deputy candidate, namely Iswar Aminuddin, acting Regional Secretary for the City of Semarang.
In the 2024 regional elections, candidate pair number one Agustina-Iswar is in a superior position to get the most votes compared to their rival, Yoyok-Joko.
Based on Agustina’s LHKPN data submitted on March 23 2024, periodic 2023, it was recorded the amount of his assets reaching a value of IDR 9,556,078,483 or IDR 9.5 billion.
Most of Agustina’s wealth comes from 31 land and building assets located in various points in the Semarang and Sragen areas with a total value of IDR 9.8 billion.
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Then, Agustina also owns nine means of transportation and machinery with a total price of IDR 1.7 billion. Then, there are other movable assets amounting to IDR 192 million, securities amounting to IDR 78 million, and cash or cash equivalents reaching IDR 1.2 billion.
However, Agustina’s assets have shrunk because she is recorded as having a debt burden of IDR 2.9 billion.
For complete details, below are details of Agustina Wilujeng’s assets according to the LHKPN data released by the KPK.
1. Land and Buildings: Rp. 9,809,762,950
- Land and buildings covering an area of 990 m2/156 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 1,200,000,000
- Land and buildings covering an area of 1145 m2/144 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 3,200,000,000
- Land covering an area of 80 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, personal income IDR 110,000,000
- Land and buildings covering an area of 310 m2/110 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 350,000,000
- Land and buildings covering an area of 133 m2/47 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 400,000,000
- Land covering an area of 9755 m2 in Sragen Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 243,875,000
- Land covering an area of 5670 m2 in Sragen Regency / City, personal income IDR 141,750,000
- Land covering an area of 11778 m2 in Sragen Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 294,450,000
- Land covering an area of 988 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 736,423,720
- Land covering an area of 178 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds IDR 132,999,820
- Land covering an area of 180 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 134,494,200
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- Land covering an area of 179 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 133,747,010
- Land covering an area of 180 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 134,494,200
- Land area of 153 m2 in District / City of Semarang Citythe result itself is IDR 112,520,070
- Land covering an area of 154 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds IDR 115,067,260
- Land covering an area of 155 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 115,814,450
- Land covering an area of 160 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 117,750,400
- Land covering an area of 259 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 193,522,210
- Land covering an area of 233 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 172,295,270
- Land covering an area of 229 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 171,106,510
- Land covering an area of 305 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 226,092,950
- Land covering an area of 310 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 229,828,900
- Land covering an area of 171 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 127,769,490
- Land covering an area of 175 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 128,958,250
- Land covering an area of 172 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 128,516,680
- Land covering an area of 160 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 120,265,600
- Land covering an area of 163 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 120,720,580
- Land covering an area of 161 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 121,017,260
- Land covering an area of 163 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 120,720,580
- Land covering an area of 187 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, own proceeds Rp. 140,560,420
- Land covering an area of 182 m2 in the District / City of Semarang City, personal income IDR 135,002,120.
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2. Transportation equipment and machinery: Rp. 1,177,000,000
- Car, Honda Jazz Geb 1.5 EAT 2013, own proceeds IDR 110,000,000
- Car, Toyota Fortuner 2.7 G LUX A/T 2012, own proceeds IDR 200,000,000
- Motorbike, Yamaha 28D MIO A/T 2009, own proceeds IDR 4,000,000
- Motorbike, Honda Supra
- Motorbike, Honda Supra
- Motorbike, 2018 Honda CB VERSA, self-earning IDR 17,000,000
- Motorbike, Yamaha N-MAX 2018, self-earning IDR 21,000,000
- Car, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 2018, own proceeds IDR 400,000,000
- Car, Toyota Fortuner 2018, self-earned IDR 410,000,000.
3. Other movable assets: Rp. 192,000,000
4. Securities: Rp. 78,994,704
5. Cash and cash equivalents: Rp. 1,290,320,829
6. Other assets: Rp. 0
Sub total assets: IDR 12,548,078,483
7. Debt IDR 2,992,000,000
Total assets (Assets-Debts): IDR 9,556,078,483
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Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Suryanto
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