Details of the assets of Bob Hasan, Chairman of the DPR Legislative Body
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Bob Hasan, who is a member of the DPR RI from the Gerindra Party faction, has officially been appointed as Chair of the DPR RI Legislative Body (Baleg) for the 2024-2029 period. This determination was made through a Plenary Meeting chaired by the Chair of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, on Tuesday (22/10).
In his duties, he will lead discussions on draft laws and the preparation of national legislative programs with representatives from various factions, including PDIP, Golkar, NasDem, and PKB.
As a public figure who carries out duties in state institutions to represent the interests of the people, Bob Hasan has shown dedication to the principles and obligations of transparency by submitting his wealth report to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through the State Officials’ Wealth Report (LHKPN).
This step is important in strengthening trust in the community and maintaining integrity, as representatives of the people.
According to data recorded in the LHKPN, the last report submitted by Bob Hasan was as of September 8 2024 for special reporting for state administrator candidates. The total wealth he owns reaches IDR 43,824,088,370.
The report covers a wide range of assets ranging from property to records of debt obligations amounting to IDR 27,392,679,523. The following are details of the assets of the Chairman of the DPR Legislative Body, Bob Hasan at LHKPN.
Bob Hasan’s assets
1. Land and buildings
In the State Administrator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN) which he reported, Bob Hasan was recorded as having assets in the form of land and buildings with a total value of Rp. 15,559,342,000these assets are spread across several areas, namely:
• Property in the form of land and buildings with an area of 27.75 m²/27.75 m² located in Depok City, self-acquired, worth IDR 736,244,000.
• Land covering an area of 505 m² in South Lampung Regency, self-acquired, with a value of IDR 900,000,000.
• Land covering an area of 84 m² in South Lampung Regency, self-acquired, valued at IDR 150,000,000.
• 25 m² land in Central Jakarta City, self-acquired, worth IDR 300,000,000.
• Property in the form of land and buildings with an area of 80.93 m²/80.93 m² in Central Jakarta City, self-acquired, worth IDR 971,160,000.
• A 200 m² plot of land in Tangerang Regency, self-acquired, worth IDR 600,000,000.
• Property in the form of land and buildings covering an area of 42 m²/164 m² located in Surakarta City, self-acquired, with a value of IDR 200,000,000.
• Land covering an area of 254 m² in Majalengka Regency, self-acquired, valued at IDR 460,000,000.
• Property in the form of land and buildings with an area of 72 m²/36 m² in Subang Regency, self-acquired, worth IDR 60,969,000.
• 72 m² land in Subang Regency, self-acquired, with a value of IDR 60,969,000.
• 95 m² of land in Bekasi City, self-acquired, worth IDR 100,000,000.
• Property in the form of land and buildings with an area of 78 m²/100 m² in Central Jakarta City, self-acquired, worth IDR 936,000,000.
• Property in the form of land and buildings with an area of 309 m²/300 m² in Central Jakarta City, self-acquired, worth IDR 3,708,000,000.
• Property in the form of land and buildings with an area of 87 m²/87 m² in Central Jakarta City, self-acquired, worth IDR 1,044,000,000.
• Property in the form of land and buildings with an area of 121 m²/121 m² in Central Jakarta City, self-acquired, worth IDR 1,452,000,000.
• A plot of land covering an area of 1620 m² in South Lampung Regency, self-acquired, worth IDR 3,880,000,000.
2. Transportation equipment and buildings
It is known in his report that the total assets owned by Bob Hasan, from assets in the form of transportation equipment and machinery, amount to IDR 1,218,500,000. These assets include cars and motorbikes, including:
• 2018 Yamaha 2DP R AT/N MAX motorbike, self-acquired, worth IDR 23,500,000.
• 2016 Nissan X-Trail 2.5 AT, self-acquired, worth Rp.
• Toyota Alphard 2.5 G AT 2019, self-acquired, worth IDR 850,000,000.
• 2005 Mercedes Benz E240, self-acquired, worth IDR 150,000,000.
3. Other movable assets
In his report in the other movable assets section, the assets owned by Bob Hasan are worth Rp. 150,000,000.
4. Securities
In managing securities, with its own ownership status. Bob Hasan is recorded as having assets worth of securities IDR 1,000,000,000.
5. Cash and cash equivalents
Bob Hasan has savings of cash or cash equivalents, with the assets he owns recorded as worth IDR 45,088,925,893.
6. Other assets
In his report, Bob Hasan was recorded as having assets in the form of other assets, worth Rp. 8,200,000,000.
7. Debt
In his report, Bob Hasan noted that he still had obligations in the form of debt amounting to IDR 27,392,679,523.
Based on these details, Bob Hasan’s total assets in his report on LHKPN show that he still has debt obligations that must be paid off. Thus, his total wealth after deducting debts reaches IDR 43,824,088,370 (forty-three billion eight hundred twenty-four million eighty-eight thousand three hundred and seventy).
Also read: Wealth of Jihan Nurlela, Deputy Governor of Lampung in the 2024 Regional Election
Also read: Details of the assets of Hendrik Lewerissa, Cagub Maluku according to LHKPN
Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
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