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Wealth of Jihan Nurlela, Deputy Governor of Lampung in the 2024 Regional Election

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Jihan Nurlela, a name that is now at the center of Lampung political attention, is known as the youngest Deputy Governor candidate and the only female candidate in the 2024 Lampung Regional Election.

Running with his political partner, namely Rahmat Mirzani Djausal, as a candidate for Governor, according to a survey conducted by LSI, they had a higher electability result of 68.9 percent, compared to their political opponent, Arinal-Sutono, which was 22.3 percent.

The younger brother of Chusnunia Chalim, former Deputy Governor of Lampung, has a unique career journey, from being a doctor to becoming a politician, and also the wealth he owns.

With an educational background of a Bachelor of Medicine at the University of Lampung, a Masters in Management at Saburai University, Lampung, and experience as a member of the DPD RI for the Lampung Electoral District 2019-2024, Jihan shows that being young and having a different educational background is not an obstacle to important participation in the world of politics. .

Also read: Details of the assets of Inspector General of Police (Ret.) Didi Haryono according to LHKPN

Jihan Nurlela’s assets

Based on the State Administrator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN), Jihan reported his assets to the KPK amounting to IDR 6,961,304,000 or IDR 6.9 billion.

In the report, there are a number of assets, such as land and buildings in several areas of East Lampung and South Jakarta, which reach a total value of IDR 4.6 billion. For transportation and machinery, Jihan has four cars with a total value of IDR 785 million.

Then, Jihan has movable assets amounting to IDR 294 million and cash or cash equivalents reaching IDR 1.2 billion. Then, Jihan’s assets were free from debt burden.

1. Land and buildings Rp. 4,601,900,000

  • Land covering an area of ​​8541 m2 in East Lampung Regency / City, grant without deed Rp. 263,750,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​7407 m2 in East Lampung Regency / City, grant without deed Rp. 215,650,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​2500 m2 in East Lampung Regency / City, grant without deed Rp. 79,300,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​5000 m2 in East Lampung Regency / City, grant without deed Rp. 155,650,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​2200 m2 in East Lampung Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 59,350,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​20,000 m2 in East Lampung Regency / City, grant without deed Rp. 606,250,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​14760 m2 in East Lampung Regency / City, grant without deed Rp. 420,950,000
  • Land and buildings covering an area of ​​158 m2/200 m2 in the District/City of South Jakarta City, own proceeds Rp. 2,801,000,000

2. Transportation equipment and machinery: Rp. 785,000,000

  • Car, Honda Cyvic Sedan 2008, prize IDR 80,000,000
  • Car, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 2017, own proceeds IDR 330,000,000
  • Car, Toyota Kijang Inova 2016, own proceeds IDR 300,000,000
  • Car, 2010 Honda Accord / Sedan, self-earned IDR 75,000,000

3. Other movable assets: Rp. 294,200,000

4. Securities: No report

5. Cash and cash equivalents: IDR 1,280,204,000

6. Other assets: No reports

7. Debt: No report

Total assets: Rp. 6,961,304,000

Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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