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The assets of Putu Agus Suradnyana, Deputy Governor in the 2024 Bali regional elections

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Former Buleleng Regent Putu Agus Suradnyana is currently in the spotlight after being officially nominated as Deputy Governor of Bali to accompany Made Muliawan Arya alias De Gadjah as governor in the upcoming Regional Head Election.

As part of the regional head election process, transparency regarding the assets of candidates for public office is an important step to maintain public trust.

This report is an obligation to be submitted to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). To reflect their integrity and commitment to governance that is transparent and free from corruption.

Agus has carried out his obligation to submit his wealth report, through the State Administrator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN). The report succeeded in attracting public attention.

Based on the data contained in the LHKPN records, the last report updated as of August 28 2024, the total wealth owned by Putu Agus Suradnyana reached IDR 71,518,014,730. One of the things highlighted in the report is the number of land and buildings it owns, recorded at 74 units spread across various regions.

Apart from that, in this document, there are various other assets owned, ranging from property, vehicles, other movable assets, securities, and cash savings without any recorded debt value.

So what are the details of Putu Agus Suradnyana’s assets? The following are details of assets according to the notes in the LHKPN report.

Putu Agus Suradnyana’s assets

1. Land and buildings

In the State Officials’ Wealth Report (LHKPN) which he has updated, Putu Agus Suradnyana is recorded as having assets in the form of land and buildings with a total value of IDR 36,579,855,000.

His wealth consists of 74 units of land and building properties spread across several cities, including the cities of Bulelang, Badung and Denpasar. Some of the land and buildings were obtained by inheritance and with their own results.

2. Transportation equipment and machines

It is known in his report that the total assets owned by Putu Agus Suradnyana from assets in the form of transportation equipment and machinery, amount to Rp. 2,200,000,000. These assets include cars and motorbikes, including:

• 2023 Toyota Innova car with a value of IDR 375,000,000, which is owned by myself.

• 2022 BMW Sedan with a value of IDR 1,200,000,000, also owned by myself.

• 2012 Harley Davidson XL883N motorbike worth Rp. 275,000,000, owned by himself.

• 1999 Harley Davidson FLTRI motorbike with a value of IDR 350,000,000, self-made.

3. Other movable assets

In the report notes on other movable assets, Putu Agus Suradnyana has assets worth IDR 500,000,000.

4. Securities

On assets from securities management, with own ownership status, worth Rp. 8,500,000,000.

5. Cash and cash equivalents

In the distribution of cash and cash equivalents, it has a total value Rp. 23,738,159,730.

6. Other assets: No records reported.

7. Debt: No records reported.

Based on these details, the total assets owned by Putu Agus Suradnyana, since the report was received, reached IDR 71,518,014,730 (seventy-one billion five hundred eighteen million fourteen thousand seven hundred and thirty rupiah), without including other assets and without any record of debt.

Also read: The assets of Mawardi Muhammad Saleh, Deputy Governor of Riau according to LHKPN

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Also read: How rich is Yermias Bisai, Deputy Governor of Papua? Here are the details

Also read: Details of Mathius Fakhiri’s assets as the Governor of Papua based on the LHKPN

Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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