Banten Governor’s Candidate Andra Soni’s assets according to LHKPN
Jakarta (ANTARA) –
As a government official, the amount of Andra Soni’s assets is something that some people want to know.
This man who was born in Padang, first became involved in politics, joining the Gerindra Party.
Together with Gerinda, Andra is often trusted to fill strategic positions in the party, namely as Chair of the Gerindra Party Branch Leadership Council (DPC) in Tangerang City, Secretary of the DPD of the Gerindra Party in Banten Province, and Chair of the DPD of the Gerindra Party in Banten Province.
Then, this experience succeeded in leading him to occupy positions in the government parliament, namely becoming a member of the Banten Province DPRD from 2014 to chairman of the Banten Province DPRD from 2019 until now.
In 2024, supported by nine major parties, such as Democrat, NasDem, Gerindra, PKS, Golkar, PKB, PAN, PPP and PSI, Andra is optimistic that he will win the 2024 regional elections and become Governor of Banten with Achmad Dimyati Natakusumah as his deputy.
Not only that, the two candidates admitted that they received support and advice to lead Banten from the former 13th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, namely KH Ma’aruf Amin
Andra Soni’s assets
Based on the State Administrator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN) which was submitted on 29 February 2024 periodically 2023, it was recorded that Andra’s total wealth reached IDR 2,599,650,000 or the equivalent of IDR 2.5 billion.
Andra Soni’s assets mostly consist of property assets. In his last report, he was recorded as owning several lands and buildings in the Tangerang, Serang and Lebak areas. The asset value of this property reaches IDR 2.8 billion.
Apart from these assets, it is recorded that Andra has a car worth IDR 105 million and cash or cash equivalents of around IDR 95 million.
However, in his records, Andra has a debt of IDR 500 million. Thus, Andra’s total assets decreased, from IDR 3 billion to IDR 2.5 billion.
For complete details, below are details of Andra Soni’s assets according to the LHKPN data officially released by the KPK.
1. Land and buildings: Rp. 2,899,650,000
- Land and buildings covering an area of 110 m2/36 m2 in Tangerang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 414,450,000
- Land and building covering an area of 60 m2/120 m2 in Tangerang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 422,460,000
- Land and buildings covering an area of 276 m2/276 m2 in the Regency/City of Serang City, own proceeds Rp. 1,200,000,000
- Land covering an area of 600 m2 in Serang City Regency/City, own proceeds Rp. 25,000,000
- Land covering an area of 380 m2 in the District / City of Tangerang City, own proceeds IDR 597,740,000
- Land covering an area of 1473 m2 in Lebak Regency/City, own proceeds Rp. 240,000,000
2. Transportation equipment and machinery: Rp. 105,000,000
- Car, Honda Brio RS CVT/MMPV/2016 2017, own proceeds IDR 105,000,000
3. Other movable assets: No reports
4. Securities: No report
5. Cash and cash equivalents: Rp. 95,000,000
Total assets: IDR 3,099,650,000
6. Debt: IDR 500,000,000
Total assets (Assets-Debts): IDR 2,599,650,000
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Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
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