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Khofifah Indar Parawansa’s total wealth according to the latest LHKPN

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Khofifah Indar Parawansa, who previously served as Governor of East Java, is running again as a candidate for leadership of the province in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections.

This woman, born in Surabaya, 19 May 1965, is known as an experienced politician and bureaucrat, having served as Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and General Chair of the NU Muslimat.

In his career, Khofifah has demonstrated a commitment to regional development and poverty alleviation.

As a public official, his wealth reports are of concern, reflecting openness and accountability in carrying out his duties.

Based on the report recorded in the LHKPN as of March 29 2024, Khofifah has total assets of Rp. 26,407,233,322after deducting the total debt of IDR 2,981,891,745.

Also read: Jeje Govinda’s assets are based on LHKPN

Here are the details of his wealth:

Land and buildings
Total wealth in the form of land and buildings reached IDR 23,932,872,000. Some of the main assets include:

  • Land covering an area of ​​6,375 m² in Donggala worth IDR 3,187,500,000.
  • Land covering an area of ​​19,988 m² in Gowa worth IDR 3,997,600,000.
  • Land and buildings covering an area of ​​603 m²/546 m² in Surabaya worth IDR 4,500,000,000.
  • Land and buildings in South Jakarta worth IDR 1,706,000,000.

Apart from that, other assets are spread across several areas such as Makassar, Palu and Sidoarjo, with values ​​varying according to area and location.

Transportation equipment and machines
Khofifah owns three vehicles with a total value of IDR 872,700,000:

  • A 2006 Toyota Kijang Innova car worth IDR 135,000,000.
  • 2018 Toyota Alphard car worth IDR 700,000,000 (inheritance).
  • 2022 Honda Matic motorbike worth IDR 37,700,000.

Also read: Wealth of Vicky Shu, candidate for deputy regent of Cilacap 2024

Other movable assets
Khofifah has other movable assets worth IDR 602,000,000. While there are no further details regarding these assets, this category typically includes luxury goods, jewelry, or personal collections.

Cash and cash equivalents
The amount of cash and cash equivalents owned by Khofifah is IDR 3,981,553,067.

Khofifah’s total debt was recorded at IDR 2,981,891,745, which reduces the total value of her assets.

Total net worth

After deducting debt, Khofifah’s total net worth reaches IDR 26,407,233,322.

This wealth shows Khofifah’s stable financial capacity as a public official.

This report is also a form of accountability to the community, as well as part of the requirements as a gubernatorial candidate in the 2024 East Java gubernatorial election.

Also read: Pertamina Deputy Director Wiko Migantoro’s assets based on LHKPN data

Also read: The assets of Krisdayanti, candidate for Mayor of Batu 2024

Reporter: Raihan Fadilah
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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