Details of Dimyati Natakusuma’s assets as Deputy Governor of Banten 2024
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Dimyati Natakusuma, a political figure who is widely known in Banten Province and the father-in-law of artist Beby Tsabina, has once again emerged as one of the candidates in the 2024 Banten regional elections as a candidate for deputy governor, along with his political partner, Andra Soni, as a candidate for governor.
Not only does he have a long track record in the world of politics, Dimyati is also considered rich because his wealth is higher than his political opponent, namely Ade Sumardi. So, how much is Dimyati Natakusuma’s assets according to the State Officials’ Wealth Report (LHKPN)?
Dimyati Natakusuma is a senior politician who has worked in various strategic government positions. Dimyati is the former Regent of Pandeglang 2000-2009Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI in 2014, and member of the DPR/MPR RI from 2009 until now.
Apart from that, in 2010 Dimyati was elected as Deputy Chair of the DPR RI Legislative Body (Baleg). His role is known as stating that the DPR is able to fulfill the completion of 70 Draft Laws (RUU) as a priority for the 2010 National Legislation Program, which can at least meet 90 percent completion.
Also read: The wealth of Ade Sumardi, deputy governor of Banten based on LHKPN data
In 2014, Dimyati was chosen as a candidate for judge at the Constitutional Court, he was the only candidate representing a political party. However, Dimyati was forced to resign by various PPP party relatives, until finally he withdrew from the candidacy and ran for the 2014 Legislative Election. Dimyati was also successfully elected as a member of the DPR RI for the DKI Jakarta III electoral district.
During his political career, the 2024 Regional Election will not be the first thing for him. Previously, Dimyati had participated in the 2017 regional elections as a candidate for Governor of Banten on an independent basis, although he decided to withdraw from the political contest.
Dimyati Natakusuma’s assets
Asset reports are mandatory for every public official. Based on the State Administrator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN) in accordance with the provisions of the Corruption Eradication Committee, Dimyati reported that the amount of assets reached Rp.15,694,525,313 or IDR 15 billion.
His assets consist of various assets, such as land and buildings located in 21 locations in the Lebak and Pandeglang areas, amounting to IDR 12.5 billion. Then, it also has seven vehicles for transportation with a total value of IDR 336.3 billion.
It was noted that Dimyati also has other investments, namely movable assets amounting to IDR 263 million and cash or cash equivalents worth IDR 2.9 billion.
The total value of Dimyati’s assets is IDR 16 billion, but minus the debt burden he has, namely IDR 396 million, so the total is IDR 15.6 billion.
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In full, below are details of the amount of Dimyati Natakusuma’s assets according to LHKPN data as of March 31, 2024, periodical 2023.
1. Land and buildings: Rp. 12,518,189,463
- Land covering an area of 1218 m2 in Lebak Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 67,142,250
- Land covering an area of 6440 m2 in Lebak Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 104,472,900
- Land covering an area of 3730 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 29,060,430
- Land covering an area of 800 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 22,260,000
- Land covering an area of 350 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 24,931,200
- Land covering an area of 1925 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds IDR 77,029,837
- Land and buildings covering an area of 8095 m2/300 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 5,204,661,918
- Land and buildings covering an area of 317 m2/400 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 2,456,970,288
- Land covering an area of 38900 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds IDR 731,094,000
- Land covering an area of 2445 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 95,193,630
- Land covering an area of 3430 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, personal income IDR 133,543,620
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- Land covering an area of 11966 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 181,177,206
- Land and buildings covering an area of 982 m2/200 m2 in Pandeglang Regency/City, own proceeds Rp. 1,619,235,240
- Land covering an area of 1305 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds IDR 216,300,000
- Land covering an area of 10,400 m2 in Pandeglang Regency/City, own proceeds Rp. 843,570,000
- Land covering an area of 320 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 17,976,000
- Land covering an area of 2131 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds IDR 82,968,354
- Land covering an area of 2568 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 99,982,512
- Land covering an area of 3445 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, personal income IDR 134,127,630
- Land covering an area of 3553 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 100,867,448
- Land and buildings covering an area of 250 m2/415 m2 in Pandeglang Regency / City, own proceeds Rp. 275,625,000
2. Transportation equipment and machinery: Rp. 336,352,500
- Car, Daihatsu Zebra Mini Bus 1988, own proceeds IDR 12,375,000
- Car, Daihatsu Feroza Jeep 1995, own proceeds IDR 34,155,000
- Car, Daihatsu Taruna Mini Bus 1999, own proceeds IDR 50,490,000
- Car, Toyota Kijang Mini Bus 1995, self-earned IDR 38,610,000
- Car, Mercedes Benz Sedan 2000, own proceeds IDR 145,777,500
- Car, Suzuki Karimun Jeep 2001, self-earned IDR 51,480,000
- Motorcycle, Honda Motorcycle 2001, own proceeds IDR 3,465,000
3. Other movable assets: IDR 263,540,000
4. Securities: No notes
5. Cash and cash equivalents: Rp. 2,972,935,368
6. Other assets: No records
Total assets: Rp. 16,091,017,331
Debt: IDR 396,492,018
Total assets (Assets-Debts): IDR 15,694,525,313
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Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Suryanto
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