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This is the wealth of Acep Adang Ruhiyati, candidate for Governor of West Java

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has announced the State Administrator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN) belonging to Acep Adang Ruhiat, candidate for governor of West Java, which was reported on September 8 2024. Based on this report, Acep’s total assets were recorded at IDR 6,995,000,000 (Rp. 6, 99 billion).

It was previously known that the 2024 West Java Pilkada will be attended by four pairs of candidates who will compete for the positions of governor and deputy governor of West Java. One of the candidate pairs is Acep Adang Ruhiat who is paired with Gitalis Dwi Natarina as a candidate for deputy governor.

Furthermore, the wealth report revealed that Acep’s wealth was dominated by assets in the form of land and buildings in Tasikmalaya, West Java, worth IDR 4.85 billion. Apart from that, he has motor vehicles worth IDR 1.59 billion and cash of IDR 550 million, with no record of debt.

Details of Acep Adang Ruhiat’s assets

A. Land and buildings

Total: IDR 4,850,000,000

1. Land and building covering an area of ​​192 m² in Tasikmalaya, self-produced, worth IDR 2,000,000,000

2. Land and buildings covering an area of ​​300 m²/500 m² in Tasikmalaya, self-produced, worth IDR 2,765,000,000

3. 535 m² land in Tasikmalaya, self-produced, worth IDR 85,000,000

B. Transportation equipment and machines

Total: IDR 1,595,000,000

1. Lexus RX270 STD AT 2014, self-made, worth IDR 355,000,000

2. 2022 Toyota Alphard 2.5 G AT car, self-made, worth IDR 1,240,000,000

C. Other movable assets

Total: Rp0

D. Securities

Total: Rp0

E. Cash and cash equivalents

Total: IDR 550,000,000

F. Other assets

Total: Rp0

Sub total assets

Rp. 6,995,000,000


Total: Rp0

Total assets (Sub total – debt)

Total: IDR 6,995,000,000

It is known that this announcement was made based on obligations in accordance with Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning State Administrators who are Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism. The Corruption Eradication Commission reminded that the details of reported assets are the responsibility of state administrators.

If there are assets that have not been reported, state administrators are obliged to account for them in accordance with applicable regulations. It is hoped that this disclosure will provide an opportunity for the public to monitor the transparency of the wealth of officials who will compete in the 2024 regional elections.

Reporter: M. Hilal Eka Saputra Harahap
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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