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Wealth of Bambang Eko Suhariyanto Deputy Minister of State Secretary according to LHKPN

Jakarta (ANTARA) –

Bambang Eko Suhariyanto was chosen by President Prabowo to serve as Deputy Minister of State Secretary for the 2024-2029 period. Together with Juri Ardiantoro, Bambang carries out state secretarial duties in preparing policies and implementing related programs.

Before serving as deputy minister, Bambang had a long career in government, especially in the legal and military fields.

Nevertheless, he is often trusted to occupy various strategic positions, such as Head of Kumniter Subdisk Kumdira Diskumau, Head of the Legal Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense (Karo Hukum Setjen Kemhan), Kakum Koopsau II, and Expert Staff to the Minister of Defense for Social Affairs.

Located in a government agency, the assets belonging to this high-ranking Indonesian Air Force officer are of public concern. Based on the State Administrator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN), Bambang reported total assets of IDR 4,833,638,818 or around IDR 4.8 billion.

This wealth includes various other assets, especially the largest asset value, namely 9 land and buildings located in South Jakarta, Jember and Bogor worth IDR 3.4 billion. Then, 4 cars totaling IDR 925 million and cash or the equivalent worth IDR 506.6 million.

Also read: Details of the assets of Abdul Kadir Karding, Minister of PMI Protection

Meanwhile, for the debt report, there is no such note, so the assets owned by Bambang are the net worth of debt.

For complete details, below are details of Bambang’s assets according to LHKPN data as of the submission date of March 12 2019, periodic 2018.

1. Land and buildings: Rp. 3,402,000,000

  • Land and building covering an area of ​​120 m2/45 m2 in Bogor Regency/City, own proceeds Rp. 450,000,000
  • Building covering an area of ​​29.5 m2 in South Jakarta Regency/City worth IDR 450,000,000
  • 29.5 m2 building in South Jakarta Regency/City worth IDR 450,000,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​680 m2 in Bogor Regency/City, personal income IDR 126,000,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​1850 m2 in Jember Regency/City, grant without deed Rp. 555,000,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​1147 m2 in Jember Regency/City, grant without deed Rp. 573,500,000
  • Land and buildings covering an area of ​​449 m2/45 m2 in Jember Regency/City, grant without deed Rp. 224,500,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​4920 m2 in Jember Regency/City, grant without deed Rp. 123,000,000
  • Land covering an area of ​​1500 m2 in Jember Regency/City, grant without deed Rp. 450,000,000.

Also read: Wihaji’s assets, Minister of Population and Family Development

2. Transportation equipment and machinery: Rp. 925,000,000

  • Car, Mercedes Sedan 1983, self-earned IDR 75,000,000
  • Car, Toyota Fortuner JEEP 2016, own proceeds IDR 400,000,000
  • Car, Honda HRV Mini Bus 2015, own proceeds IDR 250,000,000
  • Car, Honda JAZZ Mini Bus 2015, own proceeds IDR 200,000,000

3. Other movable assets: No reports

4. Securities: No report

5. Cash and cash equivalents: IDR 506,638,818

6. Other assets: No reports

7. Debt: No report

Total assets (assets-liabilities): IDR 4,833,638,818

Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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