Coordinating Minister for Food Zulkifli Hasan’s assets based on 2024 LHKPN data
Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Food, Zulkifli Hasan, reported his assets in the State Administrator’s Wealth Report (LHKPN). According to reports received, he is recorded as having wealth which includes various assets and investments. The report was published on March 22 2024 with a period of 2023.
The General Chair of the National Mandate Party (PAN), Zulkifli Hasan, or who is familiarly called Zulhas, once served as Minister of Trade in President Jokowi’s Cabinet. Then, in the Red and White Cabinet, President Prabowo again entrusted Zulhas as Coordinating Minister for Food. So, how much total wealth does Zulkifli Hasan have?
Based on LHKPN data announced by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Zulkifli Hasan owns wealth in the form of land and buildings, spread across several locations in East Jakarta. Apart from that, he also owns two vehicles and a number of securities.
The report noted that Zulkifli Hasan’s total wealth reached IDR 32,612,623,467 (IDR 32.61 trillion), most of which came from fixed assets and personal investments. Thus, the following is a breakdown of most of the assets of the Coordinating Minister for Food, Zulkifli Hasan.
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Zulkifli Hasan’s assets are based on the LHKPN
A. Land and buildings
Total: IDR 13,245,108,000
- Land and buildings covering an area of 57 m²/171 m² in East Jakarta, self-produced, worth IDR 569,481,300.
- Land and buildings covering an area of 114 m²/342 m² in East Jakarta, self-produced, worth IDR 1,249,206,240.
- Land and buildings covering an area of 87 m²/168 m² in East Jakarta, self-produced, worth IDR 755,376,300.
- Land and buildings covering an area of 1,427 m²/958 m² in East Jakarta, self-produced, worth IDR 3,542,419,200.
- Land and buildings covering an area of 918 m²/450 m² in East Jakarta, self-produced, worth IDR 2,603,448,000.
- Land covering an area of 1,047 m² in East Jakarta, self-produced, valued at IDR 2,678,393,520.
- Land and buildings covering an area of 191 m²/115 m² in East Jakarta, self-produced, worth IDR 506,038,320.
- Land and building covering an area of 150 m²/92 m² in East Jakarta, self-produced, worth IDR 423,765,120.
- Land covering an area of 3,700 m² in Bogor, self-produced, worth IDR 916,980,000.
B. Transportation equipment and machines
Total: IDR 1,000,000,000
1. 2009 Toyota Alphard Minibus, self-made, worth IDR 200,000,000.
2. 2019 Toyota Alphard car, self-made, worth IDR 800,000,000.
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C. Other movable assets
Total: IDR 1,600,000,000
D. Securities
Total: IDR 4,990,000,000
E. Cash and cash equivalents
Total: IDR 11,777,515,467
F. Other assets
Total: –
Total: IDR 32,612,623,467
III. Debt
Total Value: –
IV. Total assets (II – III)
Total: IDR 32,612,623,467
In LHKPN records, Zulkifli Hasan does not have large debts or financial obligations, which shows his stable financial position. This wealth report is part of transparency efforts in government which are expected to increase public trust in state officials.
LHKPN is an important instrument in ensuring that state officials are free from corrupt practices, by requiring them to report all their assets to the Corruption Eradication Commission.
Also read: Details of the assets of Dede Yusuf, member of the DPR RI elected 2024-2029
Also read: Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian’s assets are based on LHKPN data
Reporter: M. Hilal Eka Saputra Harahap
Editor: Suryanto
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