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Members of the South Sumatra Province KPU and their duties and obligations

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is getting closer and the Provincial General Election Commission (KPU) plays an important role in ensuring that the election runs honestly, fairly and transparently at the provincial level.

As the vanguard of democracy in the regions, the Provincial KPU is responsible for holding elections with high integrity, from preparation to vote counting.

In carrying out its duties, the number of Provincial KPU members has been regulated in Law (UU) Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. The regulation explains that the number of Provincial KPU members is 5 (five) or 7 (seven) people. The following are members of the South Sumatra Province KPU:

Name: Andika Pranata Jaya, S.Sos., M.Si.

Job Title: Chairman of the South Sumatra Province KPU

Name: Nurul Mubarok, SE, M.Sc.

Job Title: Member of the South Sumatra Province KPU

Name: Handoko, M.Pd

Job Title: Member of the KPU of South Sumatra Province

Name: Rudiyanto Pangaribuan, SE

Job Title: Member of the KPU of South Sumatra Province

Name: Prahara Andri Kusuma, SH

Job Title: Member of the South Sumatra Province KPU

Name: Eko Iswantoro, S. Stp., MM

Job Title: Secretary of the South Sumatra Province KPU

The duties and obligations of the Provincial General Election Commission (KPU) are regulated clearly and in detail in Law (UU) Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. The following are the duties and obligations of the Provincial KPU:

Duties of the Provincial KPU

1. Outline the program and implement the budget.

2. Carry out all stages of holding elections in the province in accordance with statutory provisions.

3. Coordinate, organize and control the implementation of elections carried out by the Regency/City KPU.

4. Receive the voter list from the Regency/City KPU and submit it to the KPU.

5. Updating voter data based on the latest election data by taking into account population data prepared and submitted by the government, and determining it as a voter list.

6. Recapitulate the results of the vote count for the elections for members of the DPR and DPD members, as well as the elections for president and vice president in the province concerned, and announce them based on the official report on the results of the vote count recapitulation at the Regency/City KPU.

7. Make a vote count report and produce a vote count certificate and must submit it to the election participant witnesses, provincial Bawaslu and KPU.

8. Announce the elected candidates for provincial DPRD members according to the allocation of the number of seats for each electoral district in the province concerned and prepare the minutes.

9. Implement the decisions of Bawaslu and provincial Bawaslu.

10. Socialize the implementation of elections and/or those related to the duties and authority of the provincial KPU to the public.

11. Conduct evaluations and make reports at each stage of election implementation.

12. Carry out other tasks assigned by the KPU and/or statutory provisions.

Provincial KPU Obligations:

  • Carry out all stages of holding elections in a timely manner.
  • Convey all information about election implementation to the public.
  • Reporting accountability for budget use in accordance with statutory provisions.
  • Submit accountability reports for all election implementation activities to the KPU.
  • Manage, maintain and care for archives/documents and carry out their depreciation based on the archive retention schedule prepared by the provincial KPU and provincial archival institutions based on the guidelines set by the KPU and the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Manage provincial KPU inventory items based on statutory provisions.
  • Submit periodic reports regarding the stages of election implementation to the KPU and copies to Bawaslu.
  • Prepare minutes at each provincial KPU plenary meeting which are signed by the chairman and members of the provincial KPU.
  • Implement Bawaslu decisions and/or provincial Bawaslu decisions.
  • Providing and conveying election results data at the provincial level.
  • Updating and maintaining voter data on an ongoing basis by paying attention to population data in accordance with statutory provisions.
  • Implement DKPP decisions.
  • Carry out other obligations given by the KPU and/or statutory provisions.

Also read: Members of the West Kalimantan KPU for the 2022-2027 period

Also read: The ranks of North Sumatra KPU members and their duties and authorities

Also read: Central Java KPU: Duties, functions and membership

Reporter: Allisa Luthfia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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