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East Java KPU: Duties, functions and membership

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The East Java General Election Commission (KPU) is an independent institution that organizes general elections in the province of East Java, Indonesia.

As part of the national KPU structure, the East Java KPU plays an important role in organizing, supervising and ensuring the implementation of elections at the provincial level, including presidential, legislative, regional head elections and other types of elections.

Duties and functions of the East Java KPU

Based on Article 15 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, the East Java KPU has various responsibilities which include election preparation, voter registration, campaign supervision, and handling disputes.

Some of the main functions carried out by the East Java KPU include the following:

1. Election preparation

The East Java KPU made various preparations for a smooth election, starting from procuring logistics, recruiting officers, to making and distributing ballot papers.

2. Voter registration

The East Java KPU carries out registration and verification of voter data, ensuring that all eligible voters can participate.

3. Campaign monitoring

The KPU supervises campaign activities so that they run according to applicable regulations, ensuring that prospective participants comply with the provisions that have been set.

4. Determination of the Permanent Voter List (DPT)

Based on the registration results, the East Java KPU determines the Permanent Voter List, or DPT, which is the basis for official voters in the election process.

5. Determination of potential election participants

The KPU plays a role in determining candidate participants, both for regional head and legislative elections, after fulfilling the necessary requirements.

6. Vote counting

After the election, the East Java KPU is tasked with counting the votes and announcing the results transparently to the public.

7. Dispute handling

If a dispute arises regarding the election results or process, the East Java KPU has the authority to handle and resolve the dispute in accordance with applicable regulations.

8. Reporting and coordination

The East Java KPU coordinates with the central KPU and related institutions in implementing general elections, including compiling reports and sharing data as needed.

East Java KPU membership structure

The KPU in each province, including the East Java KPU, consists of a chairman who also acts as a member and six other members.

The term of office of Provincial KPU members lasts for five years and can be re-elected for another period at the same level.

Member of the East Java KPU 2024-2029


  • Aang Kunaifi (Head of the finance, general and household division).


  • Miftahur Rozaq (Head of design and logistics division)
  • Insan Qoriawan (Head of data and information division)
  • Eka Wisnu Wardhana (Head of human resources, research and development division)
  • Choirul Umam (Head of technical implementation division)
  • Nur Salam (Chair of the voter education outreach and community participation division)
  • Habib M. Rohan (Head of legal and supervision division)

The existence of the East Java KPU as an election implementer at the provincial level is very important to create a fair, transparent and credible election process in East Java, in order to encourage public involvement and guarantee the political rights of citizens.

Also read: DKI Jakarta KPU: Duties, functions and membership

Also read: West Java KPU: Duties, functions, and membership

Also read: It’s easy, this is how to check political party members and administrators at SIPOL KPU

Reporter: Raihan Fadilah
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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