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The duties and authority of the KPU in maintaining democratic elections

Jakarta (ANTARA) – As an institution that stands firmly in Indonesia’s democratic journey, the General Election Commission (KPU) has a long history and an important role in ensuring that the people’s voice is channeled fairly and transparently.

Established to manage and supervise the general election process, the KPU is tasked with maintaining public confidence in election results and carrying out various functions to ensure elections that are honest, fair and free from fraud.

The KPU was first established in 1999 under the administration of President BJ Habibie, who appointed 53 members from government elements and political parties to supervise the implementation of elections until 2001.

In the era of President Abdurrahman Wahid, the KPU underwent restructuring with the inauguration of new members on April 11 2001, this time consisting of 11 people. In the 2007-2012 period, the KPU was reorganized again through Presidential Decree Number 101/P/2007, appointing seven members from various backgrounds, including provincial KPU representatives, academics, researchers and bureaucrats. However, one member, Syamsul Bahri, was not appointed due to legal issues that arose at that time.

Efforts to strengthen the integrity of the KPU continue to be made. In 2007, three years after the 2004 elections, the DPR and the government initiated reforms to the KPU to increase its independence and neutrality in overseeing honest and fair elections. The enactment of Law Number 22 of 2007 emphasizes the role of the KPU as a permanent institution, responsible for holding elections throughout Indonesia, while Bawaslu acts as a supervisor.

Commission’s duties

The duties of the KPU are regulated in Article 12 of Law 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections as follows:

  1. Plan programs and budgets and set schedules,
  2. Develop work procedures for the KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, PPK, PPS, KPPS, PPLN, and KPPSLN,
  3. Prepare KPU regulations for each stage of the election,
  4. Coordinate, organize, control and monitor all stages of elections,
  5. Receive voter list from Provincial KPU,
  6. Updating voter data based on the latest election data by taking into account population data prepared and submitted by the government and determining it as a voter list,
  7. Prepare minutes and certificates of recapitulation of vote counting results and must submit them to witnesses participating in the election and Bawaslu,
  8. Announcing DPR member candidates, DPD member candidates and elected Candidate Pairs and making minutes of the event,
  9. Following up immediately on Bawaslu’s decision on findings and reports of alleged election violations or disputes,
  10. Socialize the implementation of elections and/or related to the duties and authority of the KPU to the public,
  11. Conduct evaluations and make reports at each stage of election implementation, and
  12. Carry out other tasks in organizing elections in accordance with statutory provisions.

The authority of the KPU

The General Election Commission (KPU) has important authority in regulating and supervising the implementation of elections in Indonesia which is regulated in Article 13 of Law 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections as follows:

  1. Determine the working procedures of the KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, PPK, PPS, KPPS, PPLN, and KPPSLN,
  2. Establish KPU regulations for each stage of the election,
  3. Determining election participants,
  4. Determine and announce the results of the vote count recapitulation at the national level based on the results of the vote count recapitulation at the Provincial KPU for the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections and for the DPR member elections as well as the results of the vote count recapitulation at each provincial KPU for the DPD member elections by making a vote count report and results certificate vote counting,
  5. Issuing the KPU’s decision to validate the election results and announcing it,
  6. Determine and announce the number of seats for members of the DPR, members of the provincial DPRD, and members of the district/city DPRD for each political party participating in the election. Members of the DPR, members of the provincial DPRD, and members of the district/city DPRD,
  7. Establish standards and requirements for procurement and distribution of equipment,
  8. Forming Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, and PPLN,
  9. Appoint, develop and dismiss Provincial KPU members, Regency/City KPU members and PPLN members,
  10. Imposing administrative sanctions and/or temporarily deactivating members of the provincial KPU, members of the Regency/City KPU, members of the PPLN, members of the KPPSLN, and the secretary general of the KPU who are proven to have carried out actions which result in disruption of the ongoing stages of election implementation based on Bawaslu decisions and/or the provisions of statutory regulations. -invitation,
  11. Establish a public accounting firm to audit election campaign funds and publish reports on donations to election campaign funds, and
  12. Carry out other authorities in organizing elections in accordance with statutory provisions.

Also read: South Sulawesi KPU simulates regional election voting with 600 voters

Also read: Cilacap KPU receives ballot papers for the 2024 Central Java Regional Election

Also read: The DKI KPU reminded that the last day to register to move to vote is October 28

Reporter: Allisa Luthfia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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