List of Central KPU members 2022-2027 along with their brief profiles
Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) has appointed members for the 2022-2027 period. In this arrangement, the KPU has six commissioner members, who are selected through a strict selection and due diligence process carried out by the DPR RI together with the government and approved by the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
This selection process ensures that each elected member has capacity, integrity and a strong understanding of the implementation of transparent and fair elections.
In addition to the six commissioners, the KPU also appointed a Secretary General, whose task is to support the KPU’s overall administrative and operational duties.
The Secretary General works to coordinate various institutional functions, support the smooth running of commissioners’ duties, and ensure that the KPU is able to fulfill its responsibilities at every stage of elections in Indonesia.
The following is a brief profile of the KPU Secretary General and its members:
Bernad Dermawan Sutrisno (Secretary General of the Indonesian KPU)
Currently Bernad Dermawan Sutrisno has served as Secretary General of the Indonesian KPU since 2021. Bernad has extensive experience in bureaucracy and elections.
Starting his career at the Pinrang Regional Government, he then joined various ministries, including as Head of Bureau at Bawaslu and Secretary of DKPP until 2021. Bernad also won various awards for his contributions, such as Satyalancana Karya Satya X and XX.
Mochammad Afifuddin (Chairman of the KPU)
Born in Sidoarjo, February 1 1980, Afifuddin now serves as a member of the Indonesian KPU after previously being active in the Indonesian Bawaslu. Afif is known as a democracy activist since he was a student at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah.
He previously served as National Coordinator of JPPR and focused on monitoring potential election violations in Bawaslu before joining the Indonesian KPU for the 2022-2027 period.
Betty Epsilon Idroos (KPU Member)
Betty is a KPU member with long experience in organizing elections. Having served as Chair of the DKI Jakarta Provincial KPU (2018-2022), he is now continuing his doctoral studies at IPDN. Betty is active in developing information disclosure and has won awards for her contribution to organizing inclusive elections.
Parsadaan Harahap (KPU Member)
Having experience in the world of elections since 2003, Parsadaan Harahap has led Bawaslu of Bengkulu Province for a decade until 2022. His academic background in Agronomy and Administration helps him in maintaining the integrity of elections in Bengkulu. He is also active as a speaker and facilitator at various democracy seminars.
Yulianto Sudrajat (KPU Member)
Serving as Chair of the Central Java Province KPU (2016-2023), Yulianto Sudrajat won the best provincial award in information management via the KPU website in 2021. Previously, he had experience as a member of the Sukoharjo Regency KPU for two periods (2008-2016), focusing on increasing transparency election.
Idham Holik (KPU Member)
Idham Holik has been a member of the Indonesian KPU since 2022 with a strong background in the field of communications. Completing his PhD at the University of Indonesia, he started his career at the Bekasi KPU until he became Chairman of the Regency KPU. Idham’s experience at the West Java KPU (2018-2022) strengthens his dedication to transparent and trustworthy elections.
August Mellaz (KPU Member)
Member of the Indonesian KPU for the 2022-2027 period, August Mellaz has experience in politics and elections. As part of the team discussing Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, August was also involved in the study of the political system initiated by Wantimpres in 2021. He received awards from various ministries for his contribution to structuring the political system.
Also read: The duties and authority of the KPU in maintaining democratic elections
Also read: KPU-PFN shows the educational film “Keep the Promise” in North Kalimantan
Also read: The DKI KPU reminded that the last day to register to move to vote is October 28
Reporter: Allisa Luthfia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
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