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Profile and members of Bawaslu Lampung

Jakarta (ANTARA) –

Bawaslu is a state institution that plays an important role during general elections in monitoring and preventing violations that may occur.

Previously, this institution was called the Election Implementation Supervisory Committee (Panwaslak). In 1971, public distrust arose in the elections being held. Then, it changed to the Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) due to changes in nomenclature.

Until finally it was formed for the first time as a permanent state institution, namely the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) through Law no. 22 of 2007 along with its duties and authorities.

Bawaslu often supervises elections in Indonesia, such as the election of the President and Vice President, legislative members, such as the DPR, DPD, provincial DPRD, and district or city DPRD.

Indonesia has a wide range of regions, so Bawaslu is divided into each province. One of them is Bawaslu of Lampung Province.

Bawaslu Lampung is focused on supervising and maintaining the implementation of general elections in the Lampung area in accordance with dith regulations apply.

To find out the duties, authority and obligations of Bawaslu, here is a summary of the explanation.

1. Supervise the election stages

Bawaslu is tasked with monitoring every stage of the election, both the legislative election and the presidential election. They ensure that in planning election procurement, there are no legal violations or fraud that occurs in the implementation of elections.

2. Receive reports of election violations

The public can report violations occurring or suspected in the elections to Bawaslu. So, Bawaslu will carry out an investigation and if it is proven that there is a violation, they will make the necessary decisions.

3. Resolve election disputes

In the case of election disputes, such as disputes between election participants or between participants and organizers, Bawaslu has the authority to mediate and resolve the dispute.

4. Educate voters

Apart from functioning as a supervisor, Bawaslu also has an important role in providing education to the public regarding their rights as voters, especially first-time voters, and how to ensure their votes are not manipulated.

5. Take action against violations

If a violation of the code of ethics is found, Bawaslu will report it to DKPP, while for election crimes, Bawaslu will report it to the police. For other violations, such as those related to administrative matters, Bawaslu has the right to receive, examine, review and decide on action regarding violations.

Member of Bawaslu Lampung

Bawaslu members consist of five or seven people who have backgrounds relevant to election supervision duties.

They serve for five years and are elected by Commission II of the DPR RI together with the President. The Bawaslu membership structure consists of a Chairman and other equal leadership members

Chairman of Bawaslu Lampung: Iskardo P. Panggar, SH, MH

Member of Bawaslu Lampung

Division coordination: Law & Training

Deputy division coordinator: HR & Organization

Regional coordinator: North Lampung, West Tulang Bawang, and Mesuji

Deputy regional coordinator: West Coast, East Lampung and Pesawaran

Division coordination: HR & Organization

Deputy division coordinator: Public Relations & Datin

Regional coordinators: Pringsewu and Way Kanan

Deputy regional coordinators: North Lampung, West Tulang Bawang, and Mesuji

  • Tamri, S. Hut., SH, MH

Division coordination: Violation Handling

Deputy division coordinator: Prevention & Parmas

Regional coordinator: Tanggamus and Central Lampung

Deputy regional coordinator: Tulang Bawang, West Lampung, and Metro

Division coordination: Public Relations & Data

Deputy division coordinator: Violation Handling

Regional coordinator: West Coast, East Lampung and Pesawaran

Deputy regional coordinators: Pringsewu and Way Kanan

Division coordination: Dispute Resolution

Deputy division coordinator: Law & Training

Regional coordinator: Tulang Bawang, West Lampung, and Metro

Deputy regional coordinator: South Lampung and Bandar Lampung

  • Hamid Badru Munir, SHI

Division coordination: Prevention & Parmas

Deputy division coordinator: Dispute Resolution

Regional coordinator: South Lampung and Bandar Lampung

Deputy regional coordinator: Tanggamus and Central Lampung

Also read: Duties and leadership of North Sumatra Bawaslu

Also read: Bawaslu Banten, the leadership and their main duties and functions

Also read: East Java Bawaslu, its leadership and authority

Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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