Duties and leadership of West Java Bawaslu
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Bawaslu, or the General Election Supervisory Body, is an institution that is often discussed when elections arrive. As an important part of the democratic process in Indonesia, Bawaslu is tasked with ensuring that general elections, both for electing the President, Vice President, members of the DPR, provincial and district/city DPRD as well as DPD members, are carried out so that the elections take place fairly and transparently.
Without strict supervision from Bawaslu, elections could be full of fraud and injustice.
Bawaslu not only plays a role at the national level, but also has representatives in every province. This is regulated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2011 concerning General Election Organizers, which states that the Provincial Election Supervisory Body, abbreviated as Bawaslu Province, is an institution formed by Bawaslu to supervise the implementation of elections at the provincial level, including in the province of West Java.
Provincial Bawaslu has an important responsibility in ensuring that the election process in its area runs according to regulations, by monitoring every stage and taking action against violations that occur.
Provincial Bawaslu, including West Java Bawaslu, has two main tasks, namely preventing and prosecuting election violations.
1. Prevention of violations:
- Identify potential violations in the province.
- Coordinate, supervise and evaluate the implementation of elections.
- Coordinate with central and regional governments.
- Increasing public participation in election monitoring.
2. Action against violations:
A. Election violations:
- Submitting the results of supervision to Bawaslu RI.
- Investigate, examine and decide on suspected violations.
- Recommend follow-up action to Bawaslu RI.
B. Election process disputes:
- Receive and verify dispute requests.
- Carry out mediation and adjudication if necessary.
- Resolving election disputes in the province.
With this function, Bawaslu DKI Jakarta ensures that the elections are fair and free of violations.
Head of Bawaslu for West Java Province
The West Java Province Bawaslu is led by a chairman who is responsible for leading the performance of the institution, accompanied by several commissioner members who jointly supervise the election process in the West Java region. Following are the ranks:
- Zacky Muhammad Zam Zam: Chairman
- Harminus Koto: Coordinator of the Dispute Resolution division
- Freddy: HR and Organization division coordinator
- Nuryamah: Coordinator of the Prevention and Community Participation division
- Usep Agus Zawari: Coordinator of the Law and Education and Training division
- Muamarullah: Coordinator of the Public Relations, Data and Information division
- Syaiful Bachri: Coordinator of the Violation Handling division
As an election supervisory institution, West Java Bawaslu carries out its duties in accordance with the mandate given and ensures that the implementation of elections in West Java runs according to the rules.
Also read: Get to know the role and function of Bawaslu at the provincial, district/city level
Also read: A member of the Gorontalo Province Bawaslu died in Makassar
Reporter: Allisa Luthfia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
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