Complete profile of Budiman Sudjatmiko, Chairman of the Poverty Alleviation Agency
Jakarta (ANTARA) –
Budiman Sudjamiko, an activist and politician who is no stranger to Indonesian society, because his name has been around since the New Order era.
When the deputy minister candidates were summoned, he was one of the figures who attended President Prabowo’s residence. On this occasion, Budiman admitted that he had asked for help to overcome the problem of poverty in Indonesia.
Until finally on Tuesday (22/10/24), Budiman was appointed Head of the Agency for the Acceleration of Poverty Alleviation by President Prabowo at the State Palace, Jakarta.
Budiman Sudjamiko’s profile
Budiman is a man from Central Java who was born on March 10 1970 in Majenang, Cilacap. Since childhood, his sense of concern for poverty and his spirit of nationalism have grown, he has often been active in participating in organizations and discussions since he was in junior high school.
The first child of Wartono Sudjatmiko and Sri Sulastri Sudjatmiko began receiving education in Bogor. He attended SD Negeri 2 Bogor, SMP Negeri 1 Cilacap, SMA Negeri 5 Bogor, and moved to SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta.
During college, he became an activist student on campus. He loudly expressed his aspirations for the New Order government.
Until finally in 1994, Budiman and his comrades founded the People’s Democratic Party (PRD) as a forum for students, farmers, workers and other activists.
In 1996, there was an attack on the PDI Central Leadership Council office in Menteng, Central Jakarta. During the chaos, there was resistance between PDI supporters and the people until Jakarta burned down. This event is called Gray Saturday or the 27 July Incident.
Several activists were arrested and detained, including PRD activists who joined the action. Budiman was also dragged in because he was accused of being the initiator of the riots.
Budiman was sentenced to 13 years in prison. However, the sentence was reduced to 3.5 years due to the victory of the democracy movement and receiving amnesty from President Abdurrahman Wahid.
Freed from prison, Budiman was unable to continue his undergraduate education and was expelled from the UGM campus. Finally, he continued his education abroad and chose an undergraduate program at the University of London, majoring in Political Science and a Masters program at Cambridge University, majoring in International Relations.
The spirit of nationalism never faded, Budiman returned to his homeland after studying in a foreign country. Then, in 2004 he entered the world of politics and joined the PDI-P party.
In the 2009-2018 period, Budiman succeeded in occupying a seat in the DPR RI from PDI-P representing the Central Java electoral district VIII, namely Banyumas and Cilacap. His duties as a member of the DPR focus on Commission II in the areas of domestic government, agrarian affairs, state apparatus, and regional autonomy.
Budiman’s concern for village communities is very high. He also joined as a pioneer in the formation of the Village Law as Deputy Chair of the Committee in 2012.
During the 2024 presidential election, Budiman, who was still a PDI-P cadre, turned his support to Prabowo, who at that time PDI-P was nominating Ganjar as a presidential candidate. Until finally, Budiman was fired from PDI-P.
After officially leaving PDI-P, Budiman joined the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team as deputy chairman of the expert council.
Various ting organizationscat He is still actively involved in international affairs to this day. Budiman was elected as administrator Steering Committee of the Social-Democracy Network in Asia (Asian Social-Democratic Network) and main advisor on the National Leadership Council of the PARADE NUSANTARA organization.
Budiman expressed various experiences that he had felt and experienced in his first book entitled “Children of the Revolution” in 2012. Not only about himself, Budiman also talked about Indonesia and witnessed his struggle to realize Indonesian democracy at that time.
After being officially appointed as Head of the Agency for the Acceleration of Poverty Alleviation by President Prabowo, Budiman outlined his steps to overcome poverty in Indonesia, including through programs to improve work skills, expand social assistance, and access capital for community businesses.
Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Suryanto
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