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Bawaslu, its duties, authorities and obligations in elections

Jakarta (ANTARA) –

The General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) is a state institution tasked with supervising the implementation of elections in Indonesia.

Formed based on Law (UU) Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, Bawaslu has a strategic role in ensuring the implementation of honest, fair and transparent elections.

Bawaslu was formed to supervise the running of elections, receive complaints, and handle administrative violations and election crimes. This institution was first established in 1982 in response to protests against election violations that occurred in 1971 and 1977.

At that time, this institution was called the Election Implementation Supervisory Committee (Panwaslak Pemilu), then changed to Bawaslu in 2007. The law strengthens its role as an election supervisor with the authority to handle violations and disputes, as well as provide decisions that are binding on the KPU.

So, what are the duties, authorities and obligations of Bawaslu as regulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections in Indonesia? To better understand this institution, see the explanation in the following article.

Bawaslu’s duties

1. Develop standards for supervision of election administration for election supervisors at every level

2. Carry out prevention and action against:

– Election Violations

– Election process disputes

3. Supervise preparations for the General Election, which consists of:

– Planning and determining the schedule for the election stages

– Logistics procurement planning by the KPU

– Socialization of Election Implementation

– Carrying out other preparations for holding elections in accordance with statutory provisions

4. Supervise the implementation of the stages of election administration, which consist of:

– Updating voter data and determining temporary voter lists and permanent voter lists

– Arrangement and determination of district/city DPRD electoral areas; Determination of Election Participants

– Nominations up to the determination of Candidate Pairs, DPR member candidates, DPD member candidates and DPRD member candidates in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations

– Implementation and campaign funding

– Procurement of election logistics and distribution

– Implementation of voting and counting of election results at TPS

– Movement of ballot papers, minutes of vote counting, and certificates of vote count results from the TPS level to the PPK

– Recapitulation of vote counting results at PPK, Regency/City KPU, Provincial KPU and KPU

– Implementation of counting and re-voting, follow-up elections and follow-up elections

– Determination of election results

5. Prevent the practice of money politics

6. Supervise the neutrality of the state civil apparatus, the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Army, and the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Police

7. Supervise the implementation of decisions/decisions, which consist of:

– DKPP decision

– Court decisions regarding election violations and disputes

– Decisions/decisions of Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, and Regency/City Bawaslu

– Decisions of the KPU, Provincial KPU and Regency/City KPU

– Decisions of authorized officials regarding violations of the neutrality of the state civil apparatus, the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Army, and the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Police

8. Convey alleged violations of the Election Organizer’s code of ethics to the DKPP

9. Convey allegations of election crimes to Gakkumdu

10. Manage, maintain and care for archives and carry out depreciation based on the archive retention schedule in accordance with statutory provisions

11. Evaluate election supervision

12. Supervise the implementation of KPU regulations

13. Carry out other duties in accordance with statutory provisions.

Bawaslu’s authority

1. Receive and follow up on reports relating to alleged violations of the implementation of laws and regulations governing elections

2. Examining, reviewing and deciding on violations in election administration

3. Examining, reviewing and deciding on money politics violations

4. Receive, examine, mediate or adjudicate, and decide on the resolution of election process disputes

5. Recommend to the relevant agencies regarding the results of supervision of the neutrality of the civil-state apparatus, the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Army, and the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Police

6. Take over temporarily the duties, authority and obligations of the Provincial Bawaslu and Regency/City Bawaslu in stages if the Provincial Bawaslu and City Regency Bawaslu are temporarily unable to do so due to sanctions or other consequences in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations

7. Request necessary information from related parties in order to prevent and take action against administrative violations, violations of the code of ethics, alleged election crimes and election process disputes

8. Correct decisions and recommendations of Provincial Bawaslu and Regency/City Bawaslu if there are things that conflict with the provisions of statutory regulations

9. Form Provincial Bawaslu, Regency/City Bawaslu, and Overseas Panwaslu

10. Appoint, develop and dismiss Provincial Bawaslu members, Regency/City Bawaslu members and Overseas Panwaslu members

11. Carry out other authorities in accordance with statutory provisions.

Bawaslu’s Obligations

1. Be fair in carrying out duties and authority

2. Provide guidance and supervision over the implementation of Election Supervisor duties at all levels

3. Submit monitoring results reports to the President and DPR according to the election stages periodically and/or based on needs

4. Supervise the continuous updating and maintenance of voter data carried out by the KPU by paying attention to population data in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations

5. Carry out other obligations in accordance with statutory provisions.

Reporter: M. Hilal Eka Saputra Harahap
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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