List of Bawaslu members 2022-2027 along with their short profiles
Jakarta (ANTARA) –
The Election Supervisory Body of the Republic of Indonesia (Bawaslu RI) has determined the composition of members for the 2022-2027 period. These members were selected through a strict selection process carried out by Commission II of the DPR RI together with the government and approved by the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
In the 2022-2027 period, Bawaslu will have five members. Initially, there were 10 candidates who took part in the fit and proper test process, but only five were successfully selected as members of the Indonesian Bawaslu.
Of the five members, one is the incumbent from the previous period, while the other four are members of the regional Bawaslu. The following is a brief profile of the five selected Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period.
Profiles of five Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period
1. Rahmat Bagja
Rahmat Bagja, who previously served as a member of the Indonesian Bawaslu for the 2017-2022 period, was re-elected for the 2022-2027 term. Born in Medan on February 10 1980, he completed his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia in 1998-2003, as stated on the official Bawaslu RI website.
While studying, Rahmat was active in the student movement for reform. He served as General Chair of the UI Law Faculty Student Senate (2001-2002), General Chair of the UI Law Faculty Islamic Student Association (HMI) (2000-2001), and Deputy Coordinator of the Depok HMI Cadre Management Institute (2001-2003).
In 2003, he also became a young researcher at the UI Law Faculty’s Constitutional Center under the supervision of Jimly Asshiddiqie, involved in MPR RI research to analyze MPR legal products.
Rahmat continued his master’s education at the Faculty of Law, Utrecht University, Netherlands, in 2008-2009, and then earned a doctorate in the Legal Studies Program between 2010-2014.
Before becoming a member of Bawaslu RI, he was a permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Al Azhar University Indonesia, Expert Member of the DPD RI (2009-2010), and Expert Staff of the Honorary Council of the DPR RI (2010).
2. Puadi
Puadi was born in Bekasi, West Java, on January 4 1974, currently serves as a member of Bawaslu DKI Jakarta for the 2017-2022 period as Coordinator of the Enforcement and Violation Handling Division.
Previously, he was a member of the West Jakarta City Panwaslu (2012-2014) and was elected as Chair of the West Jakarta City Panwaslu, Legal Division and Violation Handling in the 2017 DKI Jakarta Regional Election.
Apart from serving as a member of the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu, Puadi is also involved in the Regional Audit Team (TPD) of the Honorary Council of Indonesian Election Organizers.
Puadi completed his undergraduate studies at the Pancasila Moral Education Study Program, Jakarta State University, previously known as IKIP Jakarta, and earned a master’s degree in the Human Resources Study Program from Trilogi University, Jakarta.
3. Totok Hariyono
Totok Hariyono currently serves as Coordinator of the Dispute Resolution Division at Bawaslu, East Java Province. Born on February 5 1967, he was active in the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) while studying at IKIP PGRI Malang, East Java, according to official information from the East Java Bawaslu.
There, he learned to build networks between pro-democracy groups and consolidate ideals for a better Indonesia. Totok earned a bachelor’s degree in the Legal Studies Program at the Sunan Giri College of Law (STIH) Malang.
Totok’s electoral career began in 2005 when he served on the Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) in the Malang Regency Pilkada, East Java. He then became Panwaslu in the 2008 East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election. From 2009 to 2014, Totok was a member of the Malang Regency KPU.
4. Herwyn Jefler Hielsa Malonda
Herwyn has been Chair of the North Sulawesi Province Bawaslu since 2012. Born in Passo, Minahasa Regency, on January 30 1972, he completed his undergraduate education at the IKIP Manado Economic Education Study Program and the Law Study Program at the Indonesian Christian University Tomohon (UKIT).
Herwyn continued his master’s education at the Education Management Study Program at Manado State University and the Law Study Program at Wijaya Putra University, Surabaya. He then earned a doctorate from the Brawijaya University Doctoral Program, Malang, East Java.
Herwyn’s electoral career began as the Election Monitoring Committee (EMC) Coordinator of the Indonesian Prosperous Workers Union (SBSI) in 1999. He then served as Deputy Chair of the Minahasa Panwaslu in 2003-2004 and Chair of the Minahasa Panwaslu in 2005, 2007 and 2008.
5. Lolly Suhenty
Lolly Suhenty is the only woman elected as a member of the Indonesian Bawaslu for the 2022-2027 period. Currently, he serves as a member of the West Java Province Bawaslu and leads the Public Relations and Inter-Institutional Relations Division.
Born in Cianjur on February 28 1978, Lolly completed her undergraduate education at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, as stated in the official Bawaslu information for West Java Province.
During college, Lolly was active in organizations. He has served as administrator of the Student Senate for the Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Faculty of Da’wah, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Chair of the Gender Studies Division at the Student Executive Board, and News Editor at the Suaka Sunan Gunung Djati Student Press.
Lolly’s organizational experience extends beyond campus. He served as administrator of PMII Greater Bandung Branch, Coordinator of the Documentation, Information and Publication Division of Alimat, as well as central administrator of Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama in the fields of Advocacy, Politics and Law.
Prior to her career at Bawaslu of West Java Province, Lolly Suhenty served as Expert Staff for DPD RI, Executive Secretary of the Parliamentary and DPD RI Women’s Caucus, and Coordinator of the Regional Presidium of the West Java Indonesian Women’s Coalition.
Reporter: M. Hilal Eka Saputra Harahap
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
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