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Get to know the role and function of Bawaslu at the provincial, district/city level

Jakarta (ANTARA) –

The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) plays an important role in maintaining the fairness and integrity of general elections (elections) in Indonesia. Bawaslu consists of two levels, namely provincial Bawaslu and district/city Bawaslu, each of which has its own duties and responsibilities.

Bawaslu is an important component in the implementation of elections. In Indonesia, elections are held to elect the President, Vice President, members of the DPR, members of the provincial DPRD, members of the district/city DPRD, and members of the DPD.

According to General Election Supervisory Agency Regulation Number 1 of 2020, Bawaslu is an election management institution tasked with supervising the implementation of elections throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

It is known that the provincial Bawaslu functions as an institution that oversees the implementation of elections at the provincial level, while the district/city Bawaslu is tasked with supervising elections at the district/city level. So, if you want to know more, read the following explanation.

Provincial Bawaslu

The Provincial Election Supervisory Board, or Provincial Bawaslu, is an institution formed by Bawaslu to supervise the implementation of elections at the provincial level. The Provincial Bawaslu is located in the provincial capital and its members consist of 5 or 7 people, including a chairman who also serves as a member.

The Chair of the Provincial Bawaslu is elected by members of the Provincial Bawaslu. The term of office of members is five years, and they may be re-elected for only one term at the same level. Specifically in the province of Aceh, supervision of elections and regional elections is carried out by Panwaslih Aceh, whose members are proposed by the DPRA to Bawaslu RI.

Regency/city Bawaslu

Regency/City Bawaslu is an institution formed by the Republic of Indonesia Bawaslu to supervise the implementation of elections at the district/city level. This institution is domiciled in the district/city capital, with 3 or 5 members, including a chairman who is also a member. The chairman is elected by members of the Regency/City Bawaslu.

A member’s term of office lasts five years and can be re-elected for another term at the same level. Specifically in districts/cities in Aceh province, supervision of elections and regional elections is carried out by district/city Panwaslih, with members proposed by the DPRK to Bawaslu RI.

These two levels of Bawaslu support each other in maintaining democracy in Indonesia. Through good synergy, provincial and district/city Bawaslu can work together in more effective supervision, prevent violations, and ensure that elections are transparent and accountable.

Provincial and district/city Bawaslu is committed to maintaining the integrity and fairness of elections. Active community participation in reporting violations is the key to supporting Bawaslu’s duties, so that democracy in Indonesia will continue to be maintained.

Reporter: M. Hilal Eka Saputra Harahap
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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