Duties and leadership of North Sumatra Bawaslu
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Bawaslu, or the General Election Supervisory Body, is an institution that is often in the spotlight when elections arrive.
As an important part of the democratic system in Indonesia, Bawaslu has the responsibility to ensure that the election process, whether for the President, Vice President, members of the DPR, provincial and district/city DPRD, as well as members of the DPD, runs fairly and transparently in accordance with the rules set out. applies.
Without strict supervision from Bawaslu, elections could be full of fraud and injustice.
Provincial Bawaslu has an important responsibility in ensuring that the election process in its area runs according to regulations, by monitoring every stage and taking action against violations that occur.
The duties of Election Supervisors are regulated based on the mandate of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections as follows:
Duties of Provincial Bawaslu:
1. Carry out prevention and action against:
- Election Violations.
- Election Process Disputes.
2. Supervise preparations for the General Election, which consists of:
- Planning and determining the schedule for the election stages.
- Logistics procurement planning by the KPU.
- Socialization of election implementation.
- Carrying out other preparations in holding elections in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.
3. Supervise the implementation of the stages of election administration, which consist of:
- Updating voter data and determining temporary voter lists and permanent voter lists.
- Arrangement and determination of Regency/City DPRD electoral areas.
- Determination of election participants.
- Nominations up to the determination of regional head candidate pairs, DPRD member candidates are in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations.
- Implementation and campaign funding.
- Procurement of election logistics and distribution.
- Implementation of voting and counting of election results at TPS.
- Movement of ballot papers, minutes of vote counting, and certificates of vote count results from the TPS level to the PPK.
- Recapitulation of vote counting results at PPK, Regency/City KPU and Provincial KPU.
- Carrying out counting and re-voting, follow-up elections and supplementary elections.
- Determination of election results.
4. Prevent the practice of money politics;
5. Supervise the neutrality of the state civil apparatus, the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Army, and the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Police.
6. Supervise the implementation of decisions/decisions, which consist of:
- DKPP decision.
- Court decisions regarding election violations and disputes.
- Decisions/decisions of Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, and Regency/City Bawaslu.
- Decisions of the KPU, Provincial KPU and Regency/City KPU.
- Decisions by authorized officials regarding violations of the neutrality of the state civil apparatus, the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Army, and the neutrality of members of the Indonesian National Police.
7. Convey alleged violations of the election organizer’s code of ethics to DKPP.
8. Convey allegations of election crimes to Gakkumdu.
9. Manage, maintain and care for archives and carry out depreciation based on the archive retention schedule in accordance with statutory provisions.
10. Evaluate election supervision.
11. Supervise the implementation of KPU regulations.
12. Carry out other duties in accordance with statutory provisions.
Head of North Sumatra Bawaslu
Bawaslu of North Sumatra Province is led by a chairman who is responsible for leading the performance of the institution, accompanied by several members who jointly supervise the election process in the North Sumatra region. Following are the ranks:
- Chairman: Maswin Diapari Lubis
- Coordinator of the prevention and community participation division and deputy coordinator of the dispute resolution division: Suhadi Sukendar Situmorang
- Coordinator of the violation handling division and deputy coordinator of the HR and organization division: Johan Alamsyah
- Coordinator of the HR and organization division and deputy coordinator of the prevention and community participation division: Romson Poskoro Purba
- Coordinator of the dispute resolution division and deputy coordinator of the legal, education and training division: Joko Arief Budiono
- Coordinator of the legal, education and training division and deputy coordinator of the public relations, data and information division: Harahap Umbrella
- Coordinator of the public relations, data and information division and deputy coordinator of the violation handling division: Saung Boangmanalu
Also read: Bawaslu Banten, the leadership and their main duties and functions
Also read: East Java Bawaslu, its leadership and authority
Also read: Differences in election supervision in Aceh and other districts/cities
Reporter: Allisa Luthfia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
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