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Profile of Aries Marsudiyanto, Head of the Development Control & Special Investigation Agency

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Aries Marsudiyanto, a Gerindra Party politician, was appointed by President Prabowo Subianto as Head of the Development Control and Special Investigation Agency.

Aries was appointed at the same time as 26 other officials who held positions as heads of agencies and institutions, special envoys, special staff, and special advisors to the president.

His appointment is stated in Presidential Decree (Keppres) 138P of 2024 concerning the Appointment of the Head of the Development Control and Special Investigation Agency.

Aries explained that the newly formed agency had the same status as the ministry. The agency is authorized to conduct investigations if necessary.

In his duties, Aries explained that the newest agency established by President Prabowo had a very important task related to overseeing the progress of development programs and APBN funds reaching the community.

This supervision aims to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of the state budget, so that the development carried out can provide maximum benefits for the welfare of the community.

With strict supervision, it is hoped that there will be no irregularities in the implementation of these development programs.

So who is Aries Marsudiyanto? Following is his profile.

Profile of Aries Marsudiyanto

Aries is the Chairman of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) of the Gerindra party, West Java. The man who is known as a behind-the-scenes actor is known to have high loyalty in fighting for Prabowo to become President.

Prabowo and Aries have been acquainted for a long time since graduating from Military Academy in 1992 until entering the same field, namely Datasemen 81 Anti-Terror Kopassus. However, he did not last long and retired early in 2006 with his final rank of Lieutenant Colonel (Lieutenant Col).

Not only that, Aries also has a position in one of the companies owned by Prabowo, serving as CEO.

In the 2019 election, Aries formed the National Love Prabowo Movement (GNGC), which continues to support Prabowo to this day. During the 2009, 2014, 2019 and 2024 elections, Aries also took part in the campaign, especially in the West Java area.

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Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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