Kaharuddin Djenod, a shipping expert, is Deputy Head of BP Danantara Investment
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Indonesian shipping industry figure, Kaharuddin Djenod Daeng Manyambeang, was appointed by President Prabowo to serve as Deputy Head of the Anagata Nusantara Power Investment Management Agency (Danantara) led by Muliaman Darmansyah Hadad.
The Anagata Nusantara Daya Investment Management Agency or Danantara is an institution formed by President Prabowo to manage investments outside the APBN. Its functions and duties are often equated with the Ministry of BUMN, but the two have differences in that Danantara focuses on optimizing state investment and is directly responsible to President Prabowo.
Born on March 14 1971, in Surabaya, Kaharuddin is the son of a TNI AL member with Peltu rank, Otjan Daud Djenod Daeng Mallaja and Roselin Trislan.
Kaharuddin grew up in Makassar City from primary to secondary education. He studied Naval Engineering at Hasanuddin University then moved to the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1991 to major in Aeronautical Engineering.
Kaharuddin received a program scholarship Science and Technology for Industrial Development (STAID-2) then continued his studies at Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science majoring in Naval Architecture.
To deepen his knowledge of shipping, Kaharuddin took a Masters and Doctoral program at Hiroshima University majoring in Naval Architecture.
Kaharuddin succeeded in drawing up plans for 350 ships. He made various designs such as Chemical Tanker, LPG Tanker, Pure Car Carrier, and others. His expertise in the field of shipping resulted in various awards, namely BJ Habibie Technology Award – BPPT, Achmad Bakrie XIII, as well as The Best Naval Architect Student in Japan.
The design optimization system for container ships designed by Kaharuddin attracted the interest of Japanese shipping companies, namely Shinkurushima Dockyard, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry and Mitsui Shipyard.
In 2005, he returned to Indonesia to build his own company called PT Terafulk Megantara Design (TMD).
TMD successfully launched its first ship, the Tunas Terafulk I, at the Bangkalan Madura Shipyard on December 21 2010. This ship, created by the nation’s children, is 30 meters long and has a passenger capacity of up to 70 seats.
Within 10 years, the company grew rapidly and became the first independent shipping company in Indonesia.
In 2021, BUMN Minister Erick Thohir appointed Kaharuddin as Main Director of PT PAL Indonesia. While at PT PAL, Kaharuddin was dedicated to digital technology transformation and modern shipyard management strategies, namely Maritime Industry 4.0.
Also read: Kaharuddin Djenod, PT PAL boss becomes Deputy Head of Danantara
Also read: Profile of Muliaman Hadad, Head of BP Danantara Investment
Also read: Profile of Aries Marsudiyanto, Head of the Development Control & Special Investigation Agency
Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
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