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Profile of Sulaiman Umar, Chairman of TKD Prabowo-Gibran from South Kalimantan

Jakarta (ANTARA) –

In the list of deputy ministers in the Prabowo and Gibran cabinets, Sulaiman Umar was one of the figures chosen. On Tuesday (15/10) Sulaiman was seen attending Prabowo’s residence on Jalan Kertanegara, Jakarta.


Having a background as a doctor, Sulaiman also actively contributes to the world of politics. During the 2024 presidential election, he was also known as the Chair of the Prabowo-Gibran candidate’s Regional Winning Team (TKD) in South Kalimantan.

His position as a candidate for deputy minister is Prabowo’s confidence in his ability to carry out ministerial duties in the next government.

Although there has been no official confirmation regarding the specific position he will occupy, Sulaiman is predicted to fill the strategic position as Deputy Minister of Health.

Who is Sulaiman Umar? The following is an explanation regarding his profile and background as Prabowo’s deputy ministerial candidate.

Profile of Sulaiman Umar

The man born April 16 1982 in Pagatan is an important and influential figure in his hometown, South Kalimantan.

Sulaiman is the husband of Nor Andi Arinawati Arsyad. This couple is the founding figure of Marina Permata Hospital.

Apart from that, this South Kalimantan figure is widely known as the brother-in-law of the Banua coal entrepreneur, Andi Syamsuddin Arsyad or often called Haji Isam.

In terms of educational background, Sulaiman started his education at SD Muhammadiyah Pagatan in 1988-1994, SMP Muhammadiyah Pagatan in 1994-1997, and SMU Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta in 1997-2000.

After completing his formal education, he continued his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Medicine at the Indonesian Muslim University in 2001-2011.

Then, Sulaiman was often active in various organizations. During 2017-2020 he was active as General Chair of the Tanah Bumbu Regency KNPI, Chair of the Tanah Bumbu Regency Young Generation DPD, Chair of the HTKI of Tanah Bumbu Regency, Deputy Chair of the Tanah Bumbu Regency PMI and Deputy Chair of the IDI Tanah Bumbu Regency. Meanwhile, in 2018-2021, he became a member of PB IDI in the field of Professional Service.

In the course of his career, Sulaiman, who is active in politics, was successfully elected as a member of the DPR RI in Commission VII for Energy representing South Kalimantan from the PDI-P party for the 2019-2024 period. As a figure who has just entered the world of politics, he managed to get the most votes with 109 thousand votes.

However, he only carried out his duties at the Senayan building for less than 2 years, because he wanted to return to the world of health and carry out his noble duties as a doctor.

Then, Sulaiman held the position of Director of Marina Permata Hospital and Zam-Zam Clinic, Batulicin, Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan.

His strategic roles that have been carried out have resulted in Sulaiman being entrusted with the big task of the Prabowo-Gibran team, namely becoming Chair of the Prabowo-Gibran TKD in South Kalimantan to achieve victory in the 2024 presidential election.

Apart from his role as Chairman of TKD, Sulaiman Umar is also in the spotlight as one of the names of deputy ministers who will be included in Prabowo Subianto’s cabinet in 2024.

Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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