Understand the types of MPR sessions and their functions
Jakarta (ANTARA) – The People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) plays an important role in the government structure of the Republic of Indonesia.
One of the questions that often arises is how often does the MPR hold sessions and what are their types and purposes?
To answer this, we must first understand several important authorities that the MPR has. The MPR is a state institution that has the following powers:
- Amending and enacting the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Inaugurate the President and/or Vice President as a result of the general election.
- Decide on the DPR’s proposal to dismiss the President and/or Vice President before their term of office ends, after the Constitutional Court decides that both of them have been proven to have committed legal violations such as treason against the state, corruption, or other serious crimes.
- Inaugurate the Vice President as President if the President dies, resigns, is dismissed, or is unable to carry out his duties during his term of office.
- Elect the Vice President from two candidates proposed by the President if the position of Vice President becomes vacant.
- Elect the President and Vice President from two pairs of candidates if both cannot carry out their duties simultaneously, until the end of their term of office.
Types of MPR Sessions:
1. MPR Annual Session
The MPR Annual Session is a forum for state institutions to submit their performance reports to the public. This session is held once a year on August 16.
This session aims to provide transparency to the public regarding developments in the duties of state institutions in the past year. There are eight institutions that submit performance reports, namely the MPR, DPR, DPD, President, BPK, MK, MA and KY.
2. MPR Plenary Session
Apart from the Annual Session, the MPR also holds a Plenary Session. According to MPR Regulation Number 1 of 2019 Article 65, the Plenary Session is one of eight types of meetings that can be held by the MPR.
This session is held at the beginning and end of the term of office, as well as at certain important times according to the situation that occurs. The Plenary Session functions as the highest forum for decision making.
3. MPR Special Session
Special sessions of the MPR can be held, one of which is when the President is deemed to have committed a serious violation. This is specifically regulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia issued by the Secretariat General of the MPR RI in 2020.
The MPR has the authority to follow up on proposals from the House of Representatives (DPR) regarding the dismissal of the President or Vice President in the middle of their term of office.
This process is carried out after the Constitutional Court decides that the President or Vice President has been proven to have violated the law, either in the form of treason against the state, corruption, bribery or other serious crimes.
Apart from that, violations of the requirements that must be met to become President or Vice President are also grounds for dismissal.
In a quote from the Law of the Republic of Indonesia published by the Secretariat General of the MPR-RI in 2020, it is stated: “The People’s Representative Council has the authority to continue to supervise the actions of the President. “If the DPR considers that the President has violated the state’s policies as stipulated by the Constitution or by the People’s Consultative Assembly, the MPR can be invited to hold a special session so that the President can be held accountable.”
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Reporter: Allisa Luthfia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
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