List of ministers with the longest and shortest terms of office in Indonesia
Jakarta (ANTARA) – In the history of Indonesian government, ministerial positions have had interesting dynamics. Many ministers serve for years, but there are also those who only last a short time.
To change ministerial positions, the President of Indonesia does have the right to replace or amend his ministers or do so reshuffle in the cabinet. This is stated in Law Number 39 of 2008 article 18 paragraph (1) which explains that ministries can be changed by the president because basically the president’s duties are assisted by state ministers.
Changes in ministers are usually based on government needs and efforts to improve ministry performance.
Below is a list of names with ministerial terms of office in Indonesia from longest to shortest. Citing various sources.
List of names and terms of office of the longest serving ministers, including:
1. Radius Prawiro
a. Length of office: 21 years, 311 days
27 August 1964 – 25 July 1966
March 28, 1973 – March 17, 1993
b. Position:
• Minister of Audit Agung Muda
• Minister of Central Banking Department
• Minister of Trade
• Minister of Finance
• Coordinating Minister for Economics, Finance, Industry and Development Supervision
2. Emil Salim
a. Length of office: 21 years, 180 days
September 11, 1971 – March 17, 1993
b. Position:
• Minister of State for Improvement and Cleaning of the State Apparatus
• Minister of Transportation
• Minister of State for Development and Environmental Supervision
3. JB Sumarlin
a. Length of office: 19 years, 348 days
March 28, 1973 – March 17, 1993
b. Position:
• Minister of State for Controlling State Apparatus
• Minister of National Development Planning
• Minister of Finance
4. BJ Habibie
a. Length of office: 19 years, 345 days
March 29, 1978 – March 11, 1998
b. Position: Minister of State for Research and Technology
5, Ali Wardhana
a. Length of office: 19 years, 292 days
June 6, 1968 – March 23, 1988
b. Position:
Minister of Finance
Coordinating Minister for Economics, Finance, Industry and Development Supervision
6. M. Jusuf
a. Length of office: 18 years, 204 days
August 27, 1964 – March 19, 1983
b. Position:
Minister of Industry
Minister of Trade
Minister of Defense and Security
7. Johannes Leimena
a. Length of office: 17 years, 107 days
April 12, 1946 – July 30, 1953
12 August 1955 – 24 April 1956
April 9, 1957 – July 25, 1966
b. Position:
Junior Minister of Health
Minister of Health
Minister of Social Affairs
Minister of State
Deputy Prime Minister
Coordinating Minister for Distribution Compartment
8. Hamengkubuwana IX
a. Length of office: 16 years, 269 days
2 October 1946 – 27 April 1951
April 3, 1952 – June 2, 1953
March 6, 1962 – March 8, 1973
b. Position:
• Minister of State
• Minister of Defense
• Minister/Chair of the Financial Audit Agency
• Deputy Prime Minister
• Minister of Tourism
• Coordinating Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs
9. Ginandjar Kartasasmita
a. Length of office: 16 years, 191 days
March 19, 1983 – September 27, 1999
b. Job Title:
Junior Minister for Increasing the Use of Domestic Production
Minister of Mines and Energy
Minister of State for National Development Planning
Coordinating Minister for Economic, Financial and Industrial Affairs
Development IV
V Development
Development VI
Development VII
Development Reform
10. Sri Mulyani Indrawati
a. Length of office: 13 years, 281 days
October 21, 2004 – May 20, 2010
July 27, 2016 – present
b. Position:
• Minister of State for National Development Planning
• Minister of Finance
List of names and terms of office of the shortest ministers, including:
1. Arcandra Tahar
a. Length of office: 20 working days
b. Position: Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).
2. Mahfud MD
a. Length of office: 21 working days
b. Position: Minister of Justice and Human Rights.
3. Soenarjo Kolopaking
a. Length of office: 22 days
b. Position: Minister of Finance.
4. Wilopo
a. Length of office: 29 days
b. Position: Prime Minister.
5. Gus Ipul
a. Length of office: 1 month
b. Position: Minister of Social Affairs
6. Marsilam
a. Length of position: 1.5 months
b. Position: Minister of Justice and Human Rights.
7. Rosan Roeslani
a. Length of office: 2 months
b. Position: Minister of Investment
8. Idrus Marham
a. Length of office: 7 months, 6 days
b. Position: Minister of Social Affairs.
9. Agus Hamurti Yudhoyono
a. Length of office: 8 months
b. Position: Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN).
10. Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno
a. Length of office: 10 months
b. Position: Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs
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Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
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