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Definition of cabinet, duties and functions in government

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The cabinet is an important element in the government structure which consists of a group of high-ranking officials who are tasked with formulating and implementing public policies.

Cabinet members usually consist of ministers who lead various departments or ministries, such as health, education, defense and the economy.

Led directly by the head of government, such as the president or prime minister, the cabinet is an executive institution, which has broad responsibilities. Starting from making strategic decisions to implementing government programs.

Decisions taken by the cabinet can influence the direction of public policy, political stability and societal welfare. Therefore, the composition and quality of cabinet members is an important factor in government effectiveness.

Also read: Gerindra said Prabowo’s cabinet composition was finalized before the inauguration

The following is the definition of cabinet, its duties and functions in government:

Definition of cabinet

The cabinet is a group or body of executive institutions in government consisting of ministers. These cabinet members usually lead various departments or ministries, such as health, education, defense, economy, and so on.

In Indonesia, the cabinet is directly responsible to the head of government, namely the president. This is based on the Regulation of the Cabinet Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the Cabinet Secretariat.

It was explained that the Cabinet Secretariat is a Government Institution that is located below and is directly responsible to the President. The Cabinet Secretariat, led by the Cabinet Secretary, has the task of providing cabinet management support to the President and Vice President in administering the government.

In a democratic government system, the cabinet or ministers usually come from political parties, non-political parties and professionals.

Also read: Spokesperson revealed 3 criteria for ministerial candidates in the Prabowo-Gibran cabinet

The main task of the cabinet in Indonesia

1. Implementation of government programs

The cabinet is tasked with implementing government programs that have been approved. This includes monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the program is running well.

2. Submission of reports

The cabinet is also tasked with submitting reports to legislative institutions, namely the People’s Representative Council (DPR) and the Regional Representative Council (DPD). As well as submitting reports to the public regarding developments and results of policy implementation in programs that have been implemented.

3. Policy formulation

The Cabinet is tasked with formulating public policies in accordance with their respective fields and duties, in implementing government programs. This policy covers various sectors, such as the economy, education, health, and so on.

Cabinet functions include:

  1. Analyze and provide recommendations regarding government policy plans and programs.
  2. Resolving problems that arise in the implementation of government policies and programs that experience obstacles.
  3. Monitoring, evaluating and controlling the implementation of government policies and programs.
  4. Analyze and provide recommendations for ministerial/institutional policy plans in the form of ministerial or institutional head regulations that require Presidential approval.
  5. Submit recommendations based on observations and absorb views regarding general developments.
  6. Implementation of other functions, assigned by the President or Vice President.

Also read: Gerindra: Prabowo’s cabinet will be known on the 5th day of the inauguration

Also read: Golkar confirmed that Meutya was included in the proposed list for the Prabowo-Gibran cabinet

Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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