Requirements and prohibitions for becoming a minister in Indonesia
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Becoming a minister in Indonesia is a high achievement in both a professional and political career due to holding a significant public position in government.
Ministers have a major responsibility in carrying out government functions and duties, as well as assisting the president in realizing the vision and mission of national development.
In Indonesia, ministers assist and are directly responsible to the head of government, namely the president, in carrying out and carrying out their duties.
This is explained in Law Regulation Number 39 of 2008 which discusses State Ministries, in article 1 paragraph (2) which explains that state ministers, hereinafter referred to as ministers, are assistants to the president who lead ministries.
In general, ministries are tasked with managing certain government affairs to support the president so that they can run according to plan.
Each ministry has a position in Indonesia’s capital city, where each minister handles certain positions and affairs in the government sector. The implementation of the assigned tasks is carried out under supervision and in accordance with the respective fields handled.
In his election to become a minister in Indonesia, of course there are certain conditions and restrictions that must be fulfilled, as regulated in Law Number 39 of 2008.
The following are the requirements and prohibitions on becoming a minister in Indonesia:
Requirements to become a minister
Article 22 paragraphs (1) and (2) states that ministers are appointed by the president, and in order to be appointed as a minister, a person must fulfill the following requirements:
1. Indonesian citizen.
2. Have faith in God Almighty.
3. Loyal to Pancasila as the basis of the state, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the ideals of the proclamation of independence.
4. Physically and spiritually healthy.
5. Have integrity and a good personality.
6. Never been sentenced to prison based on a court decision that has permanent legal force for committing a criminal offense that is punishable by imprisonment for 5 (five) years or more.
Prohibition from becoming a minister
Article 23 explains various kinds of prohibitions which state that ministers are prohibited from holding concurrent positions as:
1. Other state officials in accordance with statutory regulations.
2. Commissioners or directors in state companies or private companies.
3. Leaders of organizations funded from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget and/or Regional Expenditure Budget.
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Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
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