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The mechanism for selecting the Chairman of the MPR, from deliberation to voting

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) is one of the important state institutions in Indonesia’s democratic system. Even though it was previously known as the highest state institution, now the MPR has an equal position with other state institutions.

As the implementer of popular sovereignty, the election of the Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) is carried out through a clearly regulated process.

This mechanism includes various stages that MPR members must go through, including deliberation to reach consensus And voting if consensus cannot be reached.

The election procedure involves several important steps aimed at ensuring that the election takes place fairly and transparently.

The procedure for electing the chairman of the MPR if deliberation to reach a consensus is not reached has been regulated in the Regulation of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia number 1 of 2024 article 21 as follows:

The procedure for selecting the Chairman of the MPR is carried out through voting with several stages.

1. In the event that deliberation to reach consensus as intended in Article 19 paragraph (7) is not achieved, the election of the Chairman of the MPR shall be carried out through voting with the following stages:

  • Voting
  • Vote counting
  • Determination of vote counting results

2. The voting stages as intended in paragraph (1) letter a, are as follows:

  • The names of MPR members are called sequentially based on the attendance list per DPD Fraction and Group
  • The MPR members whose names were called exchanged their proof of attendance cards for voting cards
  • MPR members who already have voting cards vote in voting booths that have been prepared by officers
  • After using their voting rights, MPR members put their voting cards into the ballot box and return to their original seats

3. The stages of vote counting as intended in paragraph (1) letter b, are as follows:

  • Officers count attendance cards and voting cards in the presence of witnesses;
  • If the evidence cards are present and the number of voting cards matches, the officer then states the choice of each voting card in front of the witnesses;
  • The officer records the vote results in the voting results sheet
  • The voting results sheet is signed by the witnesses at the end of the vote counting.

4. The stages for determining the vote counting results as intended in paragraph (1) letter c, are as follows:

  • The officer delivers the voting results sheet which has been signed by the witnesses to the chairman of the session
  • The chairman of the session announces and ratifies the voting results.

5. The witnesses as referred to in paragraph (3) are representatives of each DPD faction and group, 1 (one) person each.

6. The form of voting card as intended in paragraph (2) is prepared by the MPR Secretariat General with the approval of the MPR Interim Leadership.

Also read: Differences in the roles and functions of the MPR – DPR in the Indonesian legislative system

Also read: Profile of Ahmad Muzani, Chairman of the Indonesian MPR for the 2024-2029 period

Also read: Duties and authorities of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR)

Reporter: Allisa Luthfia
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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