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Profile of Titiek Soeharto – ANTARA News

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Siti Hediati Hariyadi or better known as Titiek Soeharto is an Indonesian politician and entrepreneur. She was born on 14 April 1959 in Semarang, Central Java, as the fourth daughter of the second President of Indonesia, General Soeharto and Mrs. Tien Soeharto.

As a member of the famous Cendana family, Titiek’s life and career were greatly influenced by his family’s status, especially in the world of politics and business.

Family background

As part of the Cendana family, Titiek Soeharto grew up in an environment full of power and political dynamics.

His father, Suharto, ruled Indonesia for more than three decades, from 1967 to 1998.

This gave Titiek and his family great influence in Indonesian politics and economics during the New Order era.

Titiek is one of Suharto’s six children, all of whom have important roles in various fields, including business and politics.

He completed his senior secondary education at SMA Negeri 3 Jakarta and then continued studying economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia.

Titiek is also known to have an interest in the world of sports, especially football, where he was a presenter for the 2006 World Cup football broadcast which was broadcast on National TV stations in several matches.

Political career

Titiek Soeharto began his political career several years after the 1998 reforms, following in the footsteps of his father, who was once one of the most powerful political figures in Indonesia. He joined the Golongan Karya Party (Golkar), the party that used to be the backbone of the New Order government under Suharto’s leadership.

In the 2014 legislative election, Titiek was successfully elected as a member of the People’s Representative Council (DPR) for the 2014–2019 period. During his time as a member of the DPR, he was active in various legislative activities, including being involved in Commission IV of the DPR which dealt with agriculture, maritime, fisheries and food issues.

His political career at Golkar was quite prominent, where he was a candidate for general chairman of the party in 2016.

In 2018, Titiek made a big step by leaving Golkar and joining the Berkarya Party, a political party founded by his younger brother, Tommy Soeharto.

This decision was seen as a form of support for his younger brother and to continue Suharto’s “political legacy” in Indonesian politics. At the Berkarya Party, Titiek also holds an important position as Deputy Chair of the Advisory Board.

Personal life

Titiek Soeharto married Lieutenant General (Ret.) Prabowo Subianto, a military figure and elected President of the Republic of Indonesia, in 1983.

Their wedding became one of the highlighted events in Indonesia considering their status as part of the country’s political elite.

From this marriage, they were blessed with a son, namely Ragowo Hediprasetyo or better known as Didit Prabowo, an international fashion designer.

However, Titiek and Prabowo’s relationship ended in divorce in 1998, just in time for the political and economic crisis that also rocked Suharto’s government.

Even though they have separated, the relationship between the two still looks good, especially in a political context where Titiek often supports Prabowo on various occasions, including when Prabowo ran for president.

Influence and controversy

As a member of the Cendana family, Titiek Soeharto cannot be separated from the public spotlight, especially regarding his family’s alleged involvement in various cases of corruption and business monopoly during the New Order era.

Despite this, he still has a loyal base of supporters, especially among those who long for the stability and prosperity of the Soeharto era.

Apart from that, his involvement in various social activities also adds to his positive image among society.

Titiek is known to be active in various charity activities, including the Dharmais Foundation which was founded by his family.

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Reporter: Raihan Fadilah
Editor: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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