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Pancasila Sanctity Day October 1 and historical background

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Pancasila Sanctity Day is a national day which is celebrated every October 1 in accordance with Presidential Decree Number 153 of 1967. This commemoration commemorates the seven revolutionary heroes who died in the G30S/PKI incident or the 30 September Movement which occurred in 1965.

The commemoration of the Sanctity of Pancasila is not just a memory of the seven generals who died in the tragedy, but is also a moment of reflection to strengthen the values ​​of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state.

The commemoration of Pancasila Pain Day reminds us of the importance of maintaining national unity and integrity. Pancasila values, such as humanity, social justice and unity, must always be upheld to prevent a similar tragedy from recurring.

By understanding and applying the values ​​of Pancasila, and remembering the tragedy of the G30S PKI which was the background to Pancasila Sanctity Day, we can strengthen national identity and strengthen Indonesian unity.

G30S PKI incident

The G30S PKI incident occurred on the night of 30 September to 1 October 1965, when a group of people claiming to be the 30 September Movement (G30S) kidnapped and killed seven Army generals, namely:

  1. General Ahmad Yani
  2. Major General Raden Suprapto
  3. Major General Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono
  4. ​​​​​​Major General Siswondo Parman
  5. ​​​​​​​Brigadier General Donald Isaac Panjaitan
  6. ​​​​​​​Brigadier General Sutoyo Siswomiharjo
  7. ​​​​​​​Lieutenant Pierre Andreas Tendean.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Also read: Puan: Pancasila is the guiding star that unites the people

They died in kidnappings and massacres, in a coup attempt carried out by the PKI. This group seeks to overthrow the legitimate government and replace it with a communist system.

The bodies of the heroes were put into the well and put into an old well in what became known as Lubang Buaya. This event caused chaos and fear throughout Indonesia, leading to mass arrests and murders of people suspected of being involved with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

The entire series of rebellions occurred in one night, from 30 September to 1 October 1965. After learning of this action, the TNI immediately pursued the PKI under the command of Major General Soeharto.

However, the bodies of the heroes were only found on October 4 1965. After that, the bodies were removed, and President Soekarno led the funeral ceremony at the Kalibata Heroes’ Cemetery, South Jakarta.

President Soekarno also awarded the title of Revolutionary Hero to the victims of the G30S PKI. During the New Order era, there was a flag-raising ritual to commemorate the G30S event and Pancasila Sanctity Day.

On September 30, the flag is flown at half-mast, and on October 1, the flag is flown at full length. The flag flying for two days means that the flag at half mast on September 30 is a symbol of national mourning for the killing of a number of Army officers.

Meanwhile, the full flag raising the next day symbolized victory because the “Sanctity of Pancasila” had succeeded in facing the threat of communist ideology.

After this series of events occurred, the commemoration of Pancasila Sanctity Day was born, which is celebrated every October 1.

Also read: Khofifah invited all elements of the nation to continue to ground Pancasila

Also read: Deputy Chair of the MPR: Strengthen understanding of Pancasila to strengthen unity

Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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