Names of the victims of G30S PKI and their brief profiles
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Indonesian history is inseparable from one of the tragic stories that ever happened, namely G30S PKI, a treasonous movement carried out by a group of communists in killing Indonesian military officers.
The group was the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), one of the major parties in Indonesia and had a major influence on society. PKI incited several groups in society and gave them the understanding that its ideology would bring good changes to the country.
However, its ideology, namely communism, was not in line with Indonesian ideology at that time and the Indonesian military, especially the Indonesian Army, strongly opposed communist ideology.
The conflict between the PKI and the TNI-AD was the cause of the September 30th movement or G30S PKI. The beginning of this movement targeted high-ranking TNI-AD officers who were considered obstacles to the PKI group in carrying out its plans.
When the night of the G30S PKI incident occurred, there were many victims who died. Not only high-ranking TNI-AD officers, but there were other victims outside the PKI target.
So, who are the names of the victims? Here is a brief explanation of the victims of the G30S PKI that occurred in 1965 along with their brief profiles.
1. General Ahmad Yani
Born in Purworejo on June 19, 1922, Ahmad Yani was the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) when the G30S PKI incident occurred. He was known as a firm general and opposed the formation of the fifth force proposed by the PKI. Ahmad Yani was murdered in his home by members of the 30 September Movement and his body was found in Lubang Buaya.
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2. Lieutenant General Suprapto
Suprapto, born June 20, 1920 in Purwokerto was a Deputy (deputy) Chief of Staff of the Army in Medan as well as a high-ranking Army officer with the rank of Major General who was inaugurated in Jakarta. He was one of the victims of kidnapping and murder in G30S.
Suprapto also opposed the PKI’s ideas in forming the fifth force. Finally, he became a target of the PKI who was kidnapped from his home and then killed by members of G30S.
3. Lieutenant General S. Parman
Suprapto was a high-ranking Army officer who was one of the victims of the kidnapping and murder in G30S. He had expertise in intelligence and was an intelligence assistant to Army Chief of Staff Ahmad Yani, so he knew about the PKI’s plans and also opposed PKI’s ideas. He was kidnapped from his home and then killed by G30S members in Lubang Buaya, East Jakarta.
4. Lieutenant General MT Haryono
Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono was an Army Lieutenant General who was also a victim in this incident. He was an expert in foreign languages such as English, Dutch and German so he was assigned to be a member of the Indonesian delegation during the Mother Table Conference with England and the Netherlands. As a military diplomat, Haryono was close to Soekarno but remained principled in anti-communist ideology. He was also killed in his home by the G30S PKI group.
5. Major General DI Panjaitan
Donald Izacus Panjaitan was a Major General when he served as Assistant IV to the Army Commander General Ahmad Yani. Panjaitan once went to the United States to take part in a military course at Associated Command and General Staff College in the area Fort Leavenworth and military attaché courses. Because he strongly opposed PKI activities, he was kidnapped and murdered at his home in Jakarta.
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6. Major General Sutoyo Siswomiharjo
Born on August 28, 1922 in Purworejo, Sutoyo was a Major General who served as Inspector of Justice or Chief Military Prosecutor with the rank of Brigadier General TNI.
Sutoyo had joined the TKR and attended the Bandung staff and command school in 1960. He was known as a disciplined figure and firm against the law. Sutoyo was captured by the G30S troops and killed in Lubang Buaya.
7. Brigadier General Katamso
Brigadier General Katamso, born February 5, 1923, was the Commander of Korem 072/Pamungkas Yogyakarta. He was known as a disciplined officer and strongly opposed communist ideology, previously he was also suspicious of PKI’s actions.
When the G30S occurred, Katamso was kidnapped and killed along with Colonel Sugiono by a group of PKI rebels from Yogyakarta who took him to Kentungan.
8. Captain Pierre Tendean
Born on January 21, 1939, Pierre Andreas Tendean was a young intelligence officer who at that time was an adjutant to General AH Nasution. Previously he had served as an intelligence officer in Malaysia during the confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia, so he was promoted to first lieutenant and became an adjutant.
When the perpetrators of G30S tried to capture AH. Nasution, Pierre Tendean sacrificed himself by pretending to be AH Nasution when a group of PKI could not recognize him. He was then kidnapped and killed.
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9. AIP II KS Tubun
Assistant Police Inspector (AIP) Karel Satsuit Tubun was a bodyguard for the Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. J. Leimena. When the G30S attempted to kidnap General AH Nasution, Tubun, who was on guard at Leimena’s official residence adjacent to AH Nasution’s house, was also killed in the gunfight.
10. Lieutenant Colonel Sugiyono
Colonel Sugiyono was an Army officer who served as Chief of Staff of Korem 072 Yogyakarta. He also attended PETA and joined TKR as a commander. In addition, he later served as an aide to the Commander of Brigade 10 under Lieutenant Colonel Suharto.
On the night of G30S, together with Brigadier General Katamso, he was kidnapped and killed using a mortar key and buried in a special hole in the Kentungan area, Yogyakarta.
11. Ade Irma Suryani
Ade Irma Suryani Nasution was the daughter of General AH Nasution. When the G30S troops attacked Nasution’s house to arrest the general, Ade Irma, who was five years old at the time, was shot by a stray bullet. A few days later, she died from the gunshot wound.
12. General AH Nasution
AH Nasito was the acting Chief of Staff of ABRI who had anti-communist principles, so he also opposed the fifth force. When the kidnapping occurred, AH Nasution was the only PKI target who managed to survive and remained alive from the tragedy because of Pierre’s aide who disguised himself as him, although his leg was injured when he tried to escape by jumping over the fence.
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Reporter: Putri Atika Chairulia
Editor: Suryanto
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