Indonesian National Army Day and its history
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Day is commemorated every October 5 as a form of respect for the military institution that has played an important role in maintaining the country’s sovereignty and security.
The TNI Day commemoration is usually filled with various activities, such as flag ceremonies, military performances, and various social events. The public is invited to participate and get to know more closely the duties and responsibilities of the TNI. This is an opportunity to foster a sense of love and pride for the military institution.
TNI has a long history involving struggles and sacrifices for Indonesia’s independence. TNI Day is an important moment to remember the sacrifices of soldiers and strengthen the relationship between TNI and society.
By appreciating their dedication, it will maintain the unity and integrity of the nation. TNI is not just a military institution, but also a part of society that is always ready to serve Indonesia.
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The following is the history that is commemorated as the Indonesian National Army (TNI) Day, citing the official TNI website:
History of the Indonesian National Armed Forces
The Indonesian National Army (TNI) has undergone various developments and improvements in the organization since its founding, in order to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out its duties.
The TNI originated from the People’s Security Agency (BKR) led by Dr. Sutomo Sjahrir. Then, on October 5, 1945, BKR changed to the People’s Security Army (TKR). led by General Soedirman as commander announced through a Presidential Decree.
The formation of the TKR on October 5th then became the basis for determining the TNI Anniversary. To adjust the structure to international military standards, its name was then changed on January 5th, 1946 to the Indonesian Republic Army (TRI).
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The name change was made to conform to the structure that complies with international military principles. The name TNI was officially used on June 3, 1947, in response to the Dutch military aggression that wanted to regain control of the Indonesian colony.
In 1962, the TNI merged with the National Police (Polri) to form the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (ABRI). After the fall of Suharto in 1998, democracy and civil movements developed, reducing the role of the military in Indonesian politics. As a result, the TNI underwent a number of reforms, including the abolition of the ABRI Dual Function.
This reform led to the separation of the police from the military. On April 1, 1999, the TNI and Polri were separated again, and the term ABRI for the army was returned to TNI. In addition, three new laws and regulations were created, namely Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police, Law No. 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense, and Law No. 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army.
The TNI is divided into 3 services/forces, namely the Army (TNI-AD), Air Force (TNI-AU), and Navy (TNI-AL).
October 5 is commemorated as Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Day to commemorate the formation of the TNI which originated from the army organization during the struggle for independence.
This date was determined based on President Soekarno’s decision on October 5, 1945, which made the People’s Security Agency (BKR) an inseparable part of the state through various processes of change until it finally became the Indonesian National Army (TNI).
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Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Suryanto
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